C for engineers and scientists an interpretive approach
Cheng, Harry H.
C for engineers and scientists an interpretive approach Harry H. Cheng - New York McGraw Hill 2010 - xvi, 911 p. fig., tab. 23 cm Includes CD
CD Adı/Name: Softintegration C/C++interpreter Ch Student Edition
Includes index (897 - 911 p.)
9780071104326 85.00 TL
C (Computer program language)
C (Bilgisayar program dili)
Computer programming
Bilgisayar programlama
005.133 CHE
C for engineers and scientists an interpretive approach Harry H. Cheng - New York McGraw Hill 2010 - xvi, 911 p. fig., tab. 23 cm Includes CD
CD Adı/Name: Softintegration C/C++interpreter Ch Student Edition
Includes index (897 - 911 p.)
9780071104326 85.00 TL
C (Computer program language)
C (Bilgisayar program dili)
Computer programming
Bilgisayar programlama
005.133 CHE