Constitutional law for a changing America Rights, liberties and justice

Epstein Lee 1958-

Constitutional law for a changing America Rights, liberties and justice Lee Epstein, Thomas G. Walker - 2nd edition - U.S.A CQ Press 1995 - XV, 897 p. graph, pic, tbl. 23.4 cm

Includes appendixes (839 - 869 p.) Includes glossary (870 - 873 p.) Includes ındexes (875 - 897 p.)


Constitutional and administrative law
Anayasa ve idare hukuku
Civil rights -- United States -- Cases
Medeni haklar - Amerika Birleşik Devletleri - Davalar
Constitutional law -- Cases -- United States
Anayasa hukuku - Kılıflar - Amerika Birleşik Devletleri

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