Understanding and using wordPerfect 6.1 for Windows
Henderson,Gloria 1947-
Understanding and using wordPerfect 6.1 for Windows Gloria Henderson - U.S.A. Times Mirror Press 1997 - XV, 736 p. fig. 27.5 cm Includes Disk
Disk 1 of 1
Includes appendixes(725-728 p.) Includes index(729-736 p.)
WordPerfect (Computer file)
WordPerfect (Bilgisayar dosyası)
WordPerfect (Computer program)
WordPerfect (Bilgisayar programı)
Word Processing
Sözcük işlem
005.369 HEN
Understanding and using wordPerfect 6.1 for Windows Gloria Henderson - U.S.A. Times Mirror Press 1997 - XV, 736 p. fig. 27.5 cm Includes Disk
Disk 1 of 1
Includes appendixes(725-728 p.) Includes index(729-736 p.)
WordPerfect (Computer file)
WordPerfect (Bilgisayar dosyası)
WordPerfect (Computer program)
WordPerfect (Bilgisayar programı)
Word Processing
Sözcük işlem
005.369 HEN