Policy formulation and administration Suggestions to instructors
Smith, Albert G.
Policy formulation and administration Suggestions to instructors Albert G. Smith, Roland C. Christensen, Norman A. Berg - 5th ed. - U.S.A. Richard D. Irwin 1968 - IV, 193 p. fig., pic., tab. 27.8 cm
Sanayi işletmeciliği
Industrial management
Genel yönetim
General management
658 SMI
Policy formulation and administration Suggestions to instructors Albert G. Smith, Roland C. Christensen, Norman A. Berg - 5th ed. - U.S.A. Richard D. Irwin 1968 - IV, 193 p. fig., pic., tab. 27.8 cm
Sanayi işletmeciliği
Industrial management
Genel yönetim
General management
658 SMI