Risk management and insurance
Williams,C. Arthur
Risk management and insurance C. Arthur Williams, Michael L. Smith, Peter C. Young - 8th ed. - Singapore McGraw-Hill 1998 - XXVIII., 702 p. fig., tbl. 23.5 cm
Includes references(670-680 p.) Includes indexes(683-702 p.)
General management
Genel yönetim
Risk management
Risk yönetimi
Financial economics
Finansal ekonomi
658.155 WIL
Risk management and insurance C. Arthur Williams, Michael L. Smith, Peter C. Young - 8th ed. - Singapore McGraw-Hill 1998 - XXVIII., 702 p. fig., tbl. 23.5 cm
Includes references(670-680 p.) Includes indexes(683-702 p.)
General management
Genel yönetim
Risk management
Risk yönetimi
Financial economics
Finansal ekonomi
658.155 WIL