I'm not done yet! : Keeping at it, Remaining Relevant, and Having the Time of My Life /
Koch, Edward I. 1924-2013
I'm not done yet! : Keeping at it, Remaining Relevant, and Having the Time of My Life / EDWARD I. KOCH with DANIEL PAISNER - First Edition - VIII, 196 pages ; 24 cm.
New York (N.Y.)--Biography.
New York (N.Y.)--Politics and government--1951-
Mayors--Biography.--New York (State)--New York
New York - Politika ve Yönetim
974.71043092 / K63 2000
I'm not done yet! : Keeping at it, Remaining Relevant, and Having the Time of My Life / EDWARD I. KOCH with DANIEL PAISNER - First Edition - VIII, 196 pages ; 24 cm.
New York (N.Y.)--Biography.
New York (N.Y.)--Politics and government--1951-
Mayors--Biography.--New York (State)--New York
New York - Politika ve Yönetim
974.71043092 / K63 2000