Operations research An introduction
Taha,Hamdy A.
Operations research An introduction Hamdy A. Taha - 7th ed. - U.S.A. Prentice Hall 2002 - XVII., 830 p. fig., graph., table 23.7 cm CD inc.
CD adı / name:Software to accompany operations research
Includes appendix(765-824 p.) Includes index(825-830 p.)
Operations research
Yöneylem araştırması
Industrial engineering
Endüstri mühendisliği
Programming (Mathematics)
Programlama (Matematik)
General management
Genel yönetim
658.403 TAH
Operations research An introduction Hamdy A. Taha - 7th ed. - U.S.A. Prentice Hall 2002 - XVII., 830 p. fig., graph., table 23.7 cm CD inc.
CD adı / name:Software to accompany operations research
Includes appendix(765-824 p.) Includes index(825-830 p.)
Operations research
Yöneylem araştırması
Industrial engineering
Endüstri mühendisliği
Programming (Mathematics)
Programlama (Matematik)
General management
Genel yönetim
658.403 TAH