How the 1960 Republic of Cyprus was destroyed
Egeli, Sabahattin
How the 1960 Republic of Cyprus was destroyed Sabahattin Egeli - İstanbul Kastaş 1991 - 148 p. 19 cm
Kıbrıs--Yurttaşlık hakları ve siyasal haklar
Cyprus--Civil political right
Kıbrıs, 1960 -- Tarih
Cyprus, 1960 -- History
323.4 EGE
How the 1960 Republic of Cyprus was destroyed Sabahattin Egeli - İstanbul Kastaş 1991 - 148 p. 19 cm
Kıbrıs--Yurttaşlık hakları ve siyasal haklar
Cyprus--Civil political right
Kıbrıs, 1960 -- Tarih
Cyprus, 1960 -- History
323.4 EGE