A Guide for the Young Economist Wrting and Speakinng Effectively about economics
Thomson, William
A Guide for the Young Economist Wrting and Speakinng Effectively about economics William Thomson - [B.Y.] - England The MIT Press 2001 - 118 p. pic. 20 cm
0262700794 026220133X
Rhetoric & collection of literature
Retorik ve edebi eser koleksiyonları
808.06633 THO
A Guide for the Young Economist Wrting and Speakinng Effectively about economics William Thomson - [B.Y.] - England The MIT Press 2001 - 118 p. pic. 20 cm
0262700794 026220133X
Rhetoric & collection of literature
Retorik ve edebi eser koleksiyonları
808.06633 THO