Introduction to management accounting
Horngren,Charles T.
Introduction to management accounting Charles T. Horngren, Gary L. Sundem, William O. Stratton - 10th ed. - U.S.A. Prentice hall 1996. - XXII, 814 p. fig., pic. 25.3 cm
Includes index(827-837 p.) Includes glossary(815-826 p.)
Management accounting
Yönetim muhasebesi
Genel yönetim
General management
658.151 HOR
Introduction to management accounting Charles T. Horngren, Gary L. Sundem, William O. Stratton - 10th ed. - U.S.A. Prentice hall 1996. - XXII, 814 p. fig., pic. 25.3 cm
Includes index(827-837 p.) Includes glossary(815-826 p.)
Management accounting
Yönetim muhasebesi
Genel yönetim
General management
658.151 HOR