Making and Breaking the Grid /
Samara, Timothy
Making and Breaking the Grid / A Graphic Design Layout Timothy Samara - Second Edition - 240 pages: photos; 28 cm.
Includes index
Thoughts on Structure An Introductıon 6 Makıng the Grıd 10 Comıng to Order : A Brıef Hıstory of the Grıd ın Graphıc Desıgn 12 Grıd Basıcs : Fundamental Concepts of Page Structure 20 Buıldıng a Grıd Makıng the Structure that suıts your Needs 42 Usıng a Grıd Consıderatıons and Best Practıces 62 Exhıbıts Desıgn Projects Based on Grids 78 Breakıng the Grıd 124 On the Other Hand- A Historical Survey of Non-Structural Design Tendencies 126 Alternative Architectures 134 Intuitive Relational and Conceptual 150 Considering the Practical in the Impractical 166 Exhibits Design Projects Without Grids 164 Directory of Contributors 234 Index by Subject Bibliography and Recommendation About the Author Acknowledgments
Grids (Typographic design)
Layout (Printing)
686.224 / S26 2017
Making and Breaking the Grid / A Graphic Design Layout Timothy Samara - Second Edition - 240 pages: photos; 28 cm.
Includes index
Thoughts on Structure An Introductıon 6 Makıng the Grıd 10 Comıng to Order : A Brıef Hıstory of the Grıd ın Graphıc Desıgn 12 Grıd Basıcs : Fundamental Concepts of Page Structure 20 Buıldıng a Grıd Makıng the Structure that suıts your Needs 42 Usıng a Grıd Consıderatıons and Best Practıces 62 Exhıbıts Desıgn Projects Based on Grids 78 Breakıng the Grıd 124 On the Other Hand- A Historical Survey of Non-Structural Design Tendencies 126 Alternative Architectures 134 Intuitive Relational and Conceptual 150 Considering the Practical in the Impractical 166 Exhibits Design Projects Without Grids 164 Directory of Contributors 234 Index by Subject Bibliography and Recommendation About the Author Acknowledgments
Grids (Typographic design)
Layout (Printing)
686.224 / S26 2017