The effect of teacher immediacy behaviors on students' motivation and attitude towards language learning
Tanrıverdi, Sibel 1985-
The effect of teacher immediacy behaviors on students' motivation and attitude towards language learning Sibel Tanrıverdi; Supervisor: Mehmet Ali Yavuz - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2011 - XI, 96 p. table 30.5 cm
Includes references (77-83 p.) Includes appendices.(84-95 p.)
CHAPTER ONE : INTRODUCTION Introduction 1 Backgrounds of the Study 1 Purpose of the Study 2 Research Questions 3 Significance of the study 3 Assumption of the Study 4 Limitations of the Study 4 Organization of the Thesis 5 CHAPTER TWO : TEACHER IMMEIDACY AND MOTIVATION Introduction 6 Teacher Immediacy 6 Verbal -Nonverbal Immediacy 13 Immediacy in the Classroom 17 Relationship between Immediacy and Other Classroom Variables 18 Student Motivation 20 Types of Motivation 21 Motivation in the Classroom 28 The Studies on Teacher Immediacy Behaviors 30 The Relationship beteen Immediacy and Motivation 38 Summary of the Chapter 40 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY Introduction 41 The Research Design adn the Objectives 41 Research Questions 43 Participants and the Setting of the Study 44 Materials and Procedure 44 Data and Analysis 45 Summary of the Chapter 46 CHAPTER FOUR :FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Introdution 47 The Frequency and Percentages of the Independent Variables 47 Research Questions and Findings 52 Research Questions and Findings 52 Research Question 1 : Is there a significant difference between the Motivation scores of the students with the high immediacy perceptions (Group 2 ) and that of the students with the low immediacy perceptions (Group 1))) 52 Sub-Question 1: Is there a significant difference between the Motivation scores of the female and male students in Group 2 and btween those of the female and male students in Group 1 54 Sub-Question 2: Do the Student perceptions of teacher ımmediacy change according to their levels of English such as starter, elementary, pre-ıntrermediate and Intermediate 55 Sub- Question 3: Do the student perceptions of teacher ımmediacy change according to their regions such as Aegean Mediterrranean, Marmara, Black Sea, Central Anatomia, Eastern Anatolia, South East Anatolia and Northern Cyprus? 57 Sub- Question 3: Do the student perceptions of teacher ımmediacy change according to their educational background such as regular State high school, Vocational high school, Anatonian High school/Anatolian Science School/ Teacher High School/ Super High school, Private Secondary ? 59 Research Questions 2: Is there a Significance difference between the language atitude scores of the students wıth hıgher immediacy perception scores(Group 2) and those of the students wıth lower immediacy scores (Group 1) 60 Sub-Question 5: Is there a Significant difference between the Motivation scores of the students with the high immediacy perceptions (Group 2) and that of the students with the low immediacy perceğtions(Group 1))) 62 Discussion of the Findings 62 Research Question 1: Is there a significant difference betweeen the Motivation scores of the students with the high immediacy perceptions (Group 2) and that of the students with the low immediacy perceptions (Group 1)) 64 Sub-Question 1: Is there a significant differences between the Motivation scores of the Female and Male students in Group 2 and between those of the Female and Male students in Group 1 64 Sub-Question 2 : Do the students perceptions of teacher immediacy change according to their levels of English such as Starter, elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate 64 Sub-Question 3: Do the student perceptions of teacher immediacy change according to their regions such as Aegan, Mediterrranean, Mamara, Black Sea, Central Antonlia, Eastern Anatolia, South East Anatolia and North Cyprus 64 Sub-Question 4: Do the student perceptions of teacher immediacy change according to their educational background such as regular state high school, Vocational high school, Anatolian high school/Anatolian Science School/Teacher-High School/Super hıgh school, Private Secondary? 65 Research Question 2: Is there a Significance difference between the language attitude scores of the students with higher immediacy perception scores (Group 2) and those of the students with lower immediacy scores (Group 1)? 66 Sub-Question 5: Is there a significant difference between the Languages attitudes towards language learning of students in Group 1 and that of Group 2 according to their gender? 66 Summary of the Chapter 67 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS Introduction 68 Conclusion 68 Suggestions 70 Summary of the Chapter 71 REFERENCES 72 APPENDICES 79
'ABSTRACT This study sought to reveal the effıcacy of teacher ımmediacy behaviors on students' motivation and attitude towards language learning accordance to the gender, level, region and the high school of the student. The sample of the study consısted of the students who studying at the preparatory department of foreign language school, Cyprus International University. In order to answer the research questions, three questionnaires were administered to the participants; Teacher Immediacy Behaviors Questionnaire, Student Motivation Questionnaire and Student Attitude towards Language Learning Questionnaire. According to the student perception of teacher immediacy scores, the participants were divided into two groups as group 1 who had lower scores and group 2 who had higher scores. Of 221 students, 61 were female and 80 were male. The questionnaires were administered at the end of the lesson without informing the learners and the instructors about the questionnaires to obtain more authentic results. During the administration of the questionnaires, the instructor had left the classroom. Then the student were informed about it. After the course instructors had left the classroom, the students were informed about the administration of the questionnaires. SPSS 17.0 was used so as to get the statistical results. T test and ANOVA were used to get the results. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference between the motivation scores of the student with the lower immediacy perception (group 1) and those of the students with the higher immediacy perception scores (group 2) and there is a significant difference between the female and the male students motivation scores in group 1 and group 2, both male and female student were influenced positively from teacher immediacy behaviors. However, when the student perceptions of the teacher immediacy behaviors were compared according to the English level, region and high school types, no significant difference was found. The finding also revealed that there was a significant difference between the language attitude scores of the students with the lower immediacy perception scores (group 1) and those of the students with the higher immediacy perception scores and while there is no significant difference between the language attitude scores of the students with the lower immediacy perception scores (group 1) and those of the students with the higher immediacy score(group2) according to the female students, there is a significant difference according to the male students. On the other hand, there is no significant difference between the scores of the females students' attitudes towards language learning and their perception of teacher immediacy behaviors. There is a significant difference between the scores of the male students' attitudes towards towards language learning and their perception of teacher immediacy. There was also no significant differences according to English level, region and high school types when the student perceptions of the teacher immediacy behaviors were compared. Key Words: Teacher Immediacy, Nonverbal Teacher Immediacy, Verbal Teacher Immediacy, Motivation. ÖZET Bu araştırma, üniversite öğrencilerinin öğretmen yakınlık davanışına ilişkin algılarının, öğrencilerın cinsiyet, İngilizce seviyesi, yaşadığı bölge ve mezun olduğu lise türü değişkenlerine göre, güdü ve dil tutumuna etkisini inelemektedir. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksek Okulu Hazırılık Bölümü dür. Araştırma sorularına cevap bulabilmek için, Üniversite Öğrencilerine Yönelik Öğretmen Yakınlığı Anketi. "Üniversite Öğrencileri Motivasyon Anketi" ve "Üniversite Ö ğrencilerinin Yabancı Dil Öğrenmeye Tutumu" isimli üç anket kullanılmıştır. Öğretmen yakınlığı algıları sonuçlarına göre öğrenciler, yüksek puan alanlar (grup 2) ve düşük puan (grup 1) alanlar olmak üzere ikiye ayılmıştır. Böylece, çalışmaya katılan 221 öğrenciden, 61 bayan 80 bay olmak üzere141 öğrencinin sonuçları kullanılmıştır. Daha sağlıklı sonuç alabilmek için anketler, der sonunda, öğrencilere ve öğretmenlere önceden haber verilmeksizin uygulanmıştır. Ders veren öğretmenler dersten çıktıktan sonra, öğrencilere anket konusunda gerekli bilgi verilmiş ve anket uygulanmıştır. (İngilizce metni de buna göre düzenliyelim İstatistik sonuçlara ulaşmak için, T Test ve ANOVA, SPSS 17.00 programı kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, öğretmen yakınlık algısı yüksek olan ve düşük olan öğrencilerin, güdülenmelerinde anlamlı bır fark olduğunu göstermektedir. Her iki grutaki bay ve bayan ögrencilerin güdülenme düzeylerinde anlamlı bir fark saptanmıştır. Bu, bay ve bayan öğrencilerin öğretmen yakınlık davranışlarından olumlu etkilendiklerini göstermektedir. Ancak, öğrencilerin öğretmen yakınlık algısı sonuçları, İngilizce seviyeleri, yaşadıkları bölge ve mezun oldukları lise türüne göre incelendiğinde, anlamlı bir fark görülmemiştir. Sonuçlar ayrıca, öğretmen yakınlık algısı olan ve düşük olan öğrencilerin, dil tutumlarında anlamlı bır fark olduğunu göstermektedir. Diğer kayda değer bir sonuç ise, 1. ve 2. Gruptaki bayan öğrencilerin öğretmen yakınlık algısı ile dil tutumu arasında anlamlı bir fark çıkmazken, erkek öğrencilerin öğretmen yakınlık algısı ile dil tutumu arasında anlamlı bir fark çıkmasıdır. Bu sonuçların yanısıra, öğrencilerin öğretmen yakınlık algısı ile dil tutumları arasında, İngilizce düzeyleri, yaşadıkları bölge ve mezun oldukları lise türü incelendiğinde, anlamlı bır fark çıkmamıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Öğretmen Yakınlığı, Sözlü Öğretmen Yakınlığı, Sözsüz Öğretmen Yakınlığı, Motivasyon. '
Sözlü öğretmen yakınlığı
Nonverbalteacher immediacy
Öğretmen yakınlığı
Teacher immediacy
The effect of teacher immediacy behaviors on students' motivation and attitude towards language learning Sibel Tanrıverdi; Supervisor: Mehmet Ali Yavuz - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2011 - XI, 96 p. table 30.5 cm
Includes references (77-83 p.) Includes appendices.(84-95 p.)
CHAPTER ONE : INTRODUCTION Introduction 1 Backgrounds of the Study 1 Purpose of the Study 2 Research Questions 3 Significance of the study 3 Assumption of the Study 4 Limitations of the Study 4 Organization of the Thesis 5 CHAPTER TWO : TEACHER IMMEIDACY AND MOTIVATION Introduction 6 Teacher Immediacy 6 Verbal -Nonverbal Immediacy 13 Immediacy in the Classroom 17 Relationship between Immediacy and Other Classroom Variables 18 Student Motivation 20 Types of Motivation 21 Motivation in the Classroom 28 The Studies on Teacher Immediacy Behaviors 30 The Relationship beteen Immediacy and Motivation 38 Summary of the Chapter 40 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY Introduction 41 The Research Design adn the Objectives 41 Research Questions 43 Participants and the Setting of the Study 44 Materials and Procedure 44 Data and Analysis 45 Summary of the Chapter 46 CHAPTER FOUR :FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Introdution 47 The Frequency and Percentages of the Independent Variables 47 Research Questions and Findings 52 Research Questions and Findings 52 Research Question 1 : Is there a significant difference between the Motivation scores of the students with the high immediacy perceptions (Group 2 ) and that of the students with the low immediacy perceptions (Group 1))) 52 Sub-Question 1: Is there a significant difference between the Motivation scores of the female and male students in Group 2 and btween those of the female and male students in Group 1 54 Sub-Question 2: Do the Student perceptions of teacher ımmediacy change according to their levels of English such as starter, elementary, pre-ıntrermediate and Intermediate 55 Sub- Question 3: Do the student perceptions of teacher ımmediacy change according to their regions such as Aegean Mediterrranean, Marmara, Black Sea, Central Anatomia, Eastern Anatolia, South East Anatolia and Northern Cyprus? 57 Sub- Question 3: Do the student perceptions of teacher ımmediacy change according to their educational background such as regular State high school, Vocational high school, Anatonian High school/Anatolian Science School/ Teacher High School/ Super High school, Private Secondary ? 59 Research Questions 2: Is there a Significance difference between the language atitude scores of the students wıth hıgher immediacy perception scores(Group 2) and those of the students wıth lower immediacy scores (Group 1) 60 Sub-Question 5: Is there a Significant difference between the Motivation scores of the students with the high immediacy perceptions (Group 2) and that of the students with the low immediacy perceğtions(Group 1))) 62 Discussion of the Findings 62 Research Question 1: Is there a significant difference betweeen the Motivation scores of the students with the high immediacy perceptions (Group 2) and that of the students with the low immediacy perceptions (Group 1)) 64 Sub-Question 1: Is there a significant differences between the Motivation scores of the Female and Male students in Group 2 and between those of the Female and Male students in Group 1 64 Sub-Question 2 : Do the students perceptions of teacher immediacy change according to their levels of English such as Starter, elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate 64 Sub-Question 3: Do the student perceptions of teacher immediacy change according to their regions such as Aegan, Mediterrranean, Mamara, Black Sea, Central Antonlia, Eastern Anatolia, South East Anatolia and North Cyprus 64 Sub-Question 4: Do the student perceptions of teacher immediacy change according to their educational background such as regular state high school, Vocational high school, Anatolian high school/Anatolian Science School/Teacher-High School/Super hıgh school, Private Secondary? 65 Research Question 2: Is there a Significance difference between the language attitude scores of the students with higher immediacy perception scores (Group 2) and those of the students with lower immediacy scores (Group 1)? 66 Sub-Question 5: Is there a significant difference between the Languages attitudes towards language learning of students in Group 1 and that of Group 2 according to their gender? 66 Summary of the Chapter 67 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS Introduction 68 Conclusion 68 Suggestions 70 Summary of the Chapter 71 REFERENCES 72 APPENDICES 79
'ABSTRACT This study sought to reveal the effıcacy of teacher ımmediacy behaviors on students' motivation and attitude towards language learning accordance to the gender, level, region and the high school of the student. The sample of the study consısted of the students who studying at the preparatory department of foreign language school, Cyprus International University. In order to answer the research questions, three questionnaires were administered to the participants; Teacher Immediacy Behaviors Questionnaire, Student Motivation Questionnaire and Student Attitude towards Language Learning Questionnaire. According to the student perception of teacher immediacy scores, the participants were divided into two groups as group 1 who had lower scores and group 2 who had higher scores. Of 221 students, 61 were female and 80 were male. The questionnaires were administered at the end of the lesson without informing the learners and the instructors about the questionnaires to obtain more authentic results. During the administration of the questionnaires, the instructor had left the classroom. Then the student were informed about it. After the course instructors had left the classroom, the students were informed about the administration of the questionnaires. SPSS 17.0 was used so as to get the statistical results. T test and ANOVA were used to get the results. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference between the motivation scores of the student with the lower immediacy perception (group 1) and those of the students with the higher immediacy perception scores (group 2) and there is a significant difference between the female and the male students motivation scores in group 1 and group 2, both male and female student were influenced positively from teacher immediacy behaviors. However, when the student perceptions of the teacher immediacy behaviors were compared according to the English level, region and high school types, no significant difference was found. The finding also revealed that there was a significant difference between the language attitude scores of the students with the lower immediacy perception scores (group 1) and those of the students with the higher immediacy perception scores and while there is no significant difference between the language attitude scores of the students with the lower immediacy perception scores (group 1) and those of the students with the higher immediacy score(group2) according to the female students, there is a significant difference according to the male students. On the other hand, there is no significant difference between the scores of the females students' attitudes towards language learning and their perception of teacher immediacy behaviors. There is a significant difference between the scores of the male students' attitudes towards towards language learning and their perception of teacher immediacy. There was also no significant differences according to English level, region and high school types when the student perceptions of the teacher immediacy behaviors were compared. Key Words: Teacher Immediacy, Nonverbal Teacher Immediacy, Verbal Teacher Immediacy, Motivation. ÖZET Bu araştırma, üniversite öğrencilerinin öğretmen yakınlık davanışına ilişkin algılarının, öğrencilerın cinsiyet, İngilizce seviyesi, yaşadığı bölge ve mezun olduğu lise türü değişkenlerine göre, güdü ve dil tutumuna etkisini inelemektedir. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksek Okulu Hazırılık Bölümü dür. Araştırma sorularına cevap bulabilmek için, Üniversite Öğrencilerine Yönelik Öğretmen Yakınlığı Anketi. "Üniversite Öğrencileri Motivasyon Anketi" ve "Üniversite Ö ğrencilerinin Yabancı Dil Öğrenmeye Tutumu" isimli üç anket kullanılmıştır. Öğretmen yakınlığı algıları sonuçlarına göre öğrenciler, yüksek puan alanlar (grup 2) ve düşük puan (grup 1) alanlar olmak üzere ikiye ayılmıştır. Böylece, çalışmaya katılan 221 öğrenciden, 61 bayan 80 bay olmak üzere141 öğrencinin sonuçları kullanılmıştır. Daha sağlıklı sonuç alabilmek için anketler, der sonunda, öğrencilere ve öğretmenlere önceden haber verilmeksizin uygulanmıştır. Ders veren öğretmenler dersten çıktıktan sonra, öğrencilere anket konusunda gerekli bilgi verilmiş ve anket uygulanmıştır. (İngilizce metni de buna göre düzenliyelim İstatistik sonuçlara ulaşmak için, T Test ve ANOVA, SPSS 17.00 programı kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, öğretmen yakınlık algısı yüksek olan ve düşük olan öğrencilerin, güdülenmelerinde anlamlı bır fark olduğunu göstermektedir. Her iki grutaki bay ve bayan ögrencilerin güdülenme düzeylerinde anlamlı bir fark saptanmıştır. Bu, bay ve bayan öğrencilerin öğretmen yakınlık davranışlarından olumlu etkilendiklerini göstermektedir. Ancak, öğrencilerin öğretmen yakınlık algısı sonuçları, İngilizce seviyeleri, yaşadıkları bölge ve mezun oldukları lise türüne göre incelendiğinde, anlamlı bir fark görülmemiştir. Sonuçlar ayrıca, öğretmen yakınlık algısı olan ve düşük olan öğrencilerin, dil tutumlarında anlamlı bır fark olduğunu göstermektedir. Diğer kayda değer bir sonuç ise, 1. ve 2. Gruptaki bayan öğrencilerin öğretmen yakınlık algısı ile dil tutumu arasında anlamlı bir fark çıkmazken, erkek öğrencilerin öğretmen yakınlık algısı ile dil tutumu arasında anlamlı bir fark çıkmasıdır. Bu sonuçların yanısıra, öğrencilerin öğretmen yakınlık algısı ile dil tutumları arasında, İngilizce düzeyleri, yaşadıkları bölge ve mezun oldukları lise türü incelendiğinde, anlamlı bır fark çıkmamıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Öğretmen Yakınlığı, Sözlü Öğretmen Yakınlığı, Sözsüz Öğretmen Yakınlığı, Motivasyon. '
Sözlü öğretmen yakınlığı
Nonverbalteacher immediacy
Öğretmen yakınlığı
Teacher immediacy