E-commerce and a research on usage habits of e-commerce in Turkey

Ezerer, Hayrettin Çağrı 1987-

E-commerce and a research on usage habits of e-commerce in Turkey Hayrettin Çağrı Ezerer; Supervisor: Nüket Saracel - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2012 - XXVI, 238 p. tab., fig. 30.5 cm

Includes sources (202-212 p.) Includes attachments (213-237 p.)

INTRODUCTION 1 FIRST PART ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN GENERAL ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN GENERAL 4 The Definition of Eletronic Commerce 4 The Historical Development Commerce 12 Types of Electronic Commerce 15 Business to Business Eletronics Commerce(B2B) 15 Business to Consumer Electronics Commerce (B2C) 23 Consumer to Consumer Electronic Commerce (C2C) 27 Government to Business Electronic Commerce (G2C) 28 Governemnt to Business Electronic Commerce(G2B) 29 Peer to Peer Electronic Commerce(P2P) 30 Electronic Commerce Tool 30 In General 30 Telephone 33 Facsimile 35 Television 35 Electronic Data Interchange 36 Internet 38 GSM 41 Effects of Electronis Commerce 41 The Effects of Electronis Commerce on Social Life 41 The Effects of Electronis Commerce on Economic Life 43 The Macro Economic Effects of Electronic Commerce 45 The Micro Effects of Electronic Commerce 46 Effects on Production Costs 48 Positive and Negative Ascepts of Electronic Commerce 48 Positive Effects 49 Savings in the Marketing Budget 51 Time Saving 53 Equality of Opportunity between Enterprises 53 On Part of Sellers 54 On Part of Consumers 56 Its Negatives Effects 58 In General 58 Problems Encountered in electronic Commerce 59 Financial Problems 59 Legal Problems 61 Infrastructure Problem 62 SECON PART ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN TURKEY In General 64 Govrenement Policies on Electronic Commerce in Turkey 66 Purpose, Principles and Policies 66 Legal and Institutional Regulations 66 The Dimensions Electronic Commerce Volume has Presently Reached in Turkey 67 Work Undertaken on Electronics Commerce in Turkey and the Developments Process 69 Science and Technology Higher Baord(BTYK) 69 Electronic Commerce Coordination Board 72 Rules to be taken into Consideration in Electronic Commerce 74 Web Site Rules 74 Ordering Rules 74 Payments Rules 75 Delivery Rules 75 Guarantee Rules 75 Rules of Return 76 Confidentiality Rules 76 Security Rules 76 Security in Electronic Commerce 77 In General 77 Public Key Encryption 78 SSL(Secure Socket Layer) and SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) Protocol 79 Approval Institution and Electronic Identity Document 80 THIRD PART THE ETHICAL DIMENSION OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE In General 82 Important Ethical Problems related to Electronics Commerce and their Solution 86 Confidentiality of Personal Informatıon 87 Unpermirtted Commercial E-mail (SPAM) 89 Electronic Commerce Pratices for Children 93 Electronic Commerce Ethis and other Relevant Topics 95 FOURTH PART USAGE HABITS IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN TURKEY AND WORKS ON THE ETHICAL DIMENSION OF COMMERCE The Significance of the Research 102 The Purpose of the Research 102 The Constraints of the Research 103 The Purpose of the Research 102 The Constraits of the Research 103 The Method of th Research 103 Population of the Study 103 Research Sampling 103 The Collection of Research Data and the Statistical Method 104 The Evaluation of Research Data 104 The Hypotheses of Research 104 The Findings of the Research and Comments 105 Personal Information on Participants in the Research 105 Findings on th Research Hypotheses and their Evaluation 108 Comparisons by Gender 108 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of Internet Access Purposes 109 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Reason for Choosing Electronic Commerce 110 Frequency and Percentage Distrribution of the Reasons for Choosing Electronic Commerce 111 Frequency and Percentage Distrribution of the Priority in Services Provided in Electronic Commerce 112 Frequency and Percentage Distrribution of the Reasons for Choosing Electronic Commerce is Undertaken by Gender 113 Frequency and Percentage Distrribution of the Advantages of Electronic Commerce by Gender 114 Frequency and Percentage Distrribution of the Selection of the Web Site on Which Electronic Commerce is undertaken by Gender 115 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Frequency with which Electronics Commerce is Undertaken by Gender 116 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Means of Access to Web Sites on Which Electronics Commerce is Undertaken by Gender 117 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Most Preferred Electronic Commerce Sites by Gender 118 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of by Marital Status 120 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of Purposes for Access Internet by Marital Status 120 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of Undertaking Electronic Commerce is Not Undertaken by Marital Status 121 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of Reason why Electronics Commerce İS Not Undertaken by Marital Status 122 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Priority in Service Provided by Electronic Commerce by Marital Status 125 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Factors Important When Selecting the Web Site on Which Electronic Commerce will be Undertaken by Marital Status 126 Frequency and Percentages and Percentages Distribution of the Most Prefered Web Sites in Electronic Commerce is Undertaken by Marital Status 127 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Most Preferred Web Sites in Electronic Commerce by Marital Status 129 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of the Influence of Products Bought Most by Other Customers on the Selection of Products during Electronics Commerce by Marital Status 130 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of What Types of Goods and Services are Bough with Electronic Commerce by Mairtal Status 131 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of the Monthly Average Amount of the Electronic Commerce Undertaken by Marital Status 132 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of the Use of Same Passwords Used Electronic Commerce by Marital Status 133 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of the Requirements for the Spread of Electronics Commerce by Marital Status 133 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Influence of Electronic Commerce on Shopping Life by Marital Status 135 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Attitude Towards the Advertisement Encountered During the Electronic Commerce Process or Recieved by Email by Marital Status 136 Comparisons by Education Level 137 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of Internet Use Purpose by Education Level 137 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of Undertaking Electronic Commerce by Education Level 138 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of the Advantages of Electronic Commerce by Education Level 139 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of the Most Preferred Electronics Commerce Sites by Education Level 140 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of the Payments Means used durng Electronics Commerce by Education Level 142 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of the Requirements for the Spread of Electronics Commerce by Education Level 143 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of the Attitude Towards the Advertisements Encountered During the Electronics Commerce Process or Received by E-Mail by Education Level 144 Comparisons by Income Level 146 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of Internet Use Purpose by Income Level 146 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of the Undertaking Electronic Commerce by Income Level 148 Frenquency and Percentage Distribution of theReas Electronic Commerce by Income Level 150 Frenquecy and Percentage Distribution of Reasons for Undertaking Electronics Commerce by Income Level 153 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Priority of Services Provided in Electronics Commerce by Income Level 155 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Advantages of Electronic Commerce by Income Level 157 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Reading the Security Information on the Web Sites on Which Electronics Commerce is undertaken by Income Level 159 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Most Preferred Electronic Commerce Sites by Income Level 161 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Country in which Electronic Commerce is Undertaken by Income 164 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Types of Goods and Service Bought By Electronics Commerce by Income Level 166 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Requirement for the Spread of Electronics Commerce by Income Level 169 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Influences of Electronic Commerce on Shopping Life by Income Level 171 Comparisons by Age 173 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of Internet Access Puırposes by Age 173 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of Reasons for Not Undertaking E-Commerce by Age 176 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Priority of Services Provided by Electronic Commerce by Age 179 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Advantages of Electronic Commerce by Age 181 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Most Preferred Electronic Commerce by Age 183 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Types of Goods and Services Bought on Electronic Commerce by Age 185 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Means of Payments during Electronics Commerce by Age 187 Frequency and Percentages Distribution of the Influence of Electronic Commerce on Shopping Life by Age 189 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Attitude Towards the Advertisement Encountered During the Electronic Commerce Process or Received by E-Mail by Age 190 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Attitude Towards the Advertisement Encountered During the Electronic Commerce Process or Received by E-Mail by Age 191 CONCLUSIONS 193

'Abstract/Özet The development in information and communication technologies has created important differences in tradıng channels and devices used for trade.Besides traditional trade method,because of an increase in internet usage, the variety of product and number of users of electronic trade has increased and became more common. One of the main reason of preferring electronic trading is: not only saving time and providing cost savings but also offering many options for small and midium sized business to compete with large enterprises. İts possible to classify types of e-commerce as business to business, business to customers, and customers to customers, Wheras also it is possible to mention about e-trade between govertment and business. Electronic trade has entered the social world so quickly and had such a widespread and its acceptance from various parties is going to be possible if some legal nd ethical completion is the matter will be provided. In Turkey, a developing country, the development in electronic devices and internent has to provide a widespread environment which is trustable and suitable for us for especially national and international trade. As the traditional trading methods will be reduced in the future it is very important for electronic trade environment to be common and reliable. In the current research study where the electric trade and electronic trade usıng habit in turkey was discussed, besides the literature study,the survey applied to internent users and evaluation of the survay result will be also presented. Key word: E-trade, E-commerce in Turkey. Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişim ticaret araçlarında da farklılık yaratmıştır. Geleneksel ticaret yöntemlerinin yanısıra özellikle internent kullanımının artması ile elecktronik ticaret ürün çesidi ve kullanıcı sayısı ile daha da yaygın olarakkullanılır hale gelmiştir. Zamandan, maliyetten tasarruf sağlamasının yanısıra kullanıcılara pek çok seçenek sunması, küçük ve orta ölçekli işletkelere müşterilere ulaşma yönünde büyük işletmelerle rekabet olanağı sağlaması elektronikticaretin başlica tercih sebeplerinden olmaktadır. Elektronic ticaretin işletme ile işleme,işletme ile tüketici, tüketici ile tüketici arasında yapilmasının yanısıra, develet ile tüketici, devlet ile işletme arasındaki elektronik tıcaretten de söz etmek mümkündür. Sosyal ve ticari hayata hızıl bir şekilde giren ne geniş yer kaplayan elektronik ticaretin daha da yaygınlaşması ve taraflarca kabulünün sağlanması bu konudaki bazı hukuki ve etik kuralların tamamlanması ile mümkünolacaktır. Gelişmesi devam eden bir ülke olarak türkiye, hem ulusal, hem de ululararası ticaretin geliştirilmesinde elektronik aeaçları özellikle de internentiyaygın ve güvenilir bir şekilde kullanmaya elverişli ortamı yaratmak durumundadır. Gelecekte geleneksel ticaret yöntemlerinin öneminin daha da azalması sözkonusu olacağından ortamın yaygın ve güvenilir olması büyük önem taşıyacaktır. Elektronik ticaret ve Türkiye'de elektronic ticaret kullamın alışkanlıklarını konu alan çalışmamızda, bu konudaki literatürün yanısıra kullancılarına uygulanan anket kanalı ile toplanan bulguların değerlendirmelerine de yer verilmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: E-ticaret, Türkiye'de e-ticaret. '

E-commerce -- Turkey
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