Optimization of the enterprise's financial management through financial instruments: Case study of "Vinuri Ialoveni"

Bogatiri, Olga

Optimization of the enterprise's financial management through financial instruments: Case study of "Vinuri Ialoveni" Olga Bogatiri; Supervisor: Hasret Balcıoğlu - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2013 - VII, 105 p. tab., fig. 30.5 cm CD

Includes CD

Includes references (81-83 p.) Includes appendix (84-105 p.)

INTRODUCTION 1 CONCEPT EVALUATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF ENTERPRISES FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT THROUGH FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS 4 Modern Views on the Financial Management of the Companies 4 Evaluation Tool s for the Effectives of Enterprise's Financial Management 16 The Nature and Direction of Development of Financial Instrument Used to Optimize Financial Management of Enterprise 23 FINANCIAL STRATEGY AS IN INSTRUMENTAL FOR OPTIMIZATION OF ENTERPRISE'S FINANCE 33 Financial Analysis as a Method for Assessing Effectives of Financial Management 33 Development of Financial Strategy as Method of Improving the Financial Management of the Enterprise 47 Development of the Investment Strategy for the Joint - Stock Company ''Vinuri laloveni'' 52 THE DEVLOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF OPTIMIZING THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 54 Enhancement of Elements of the Credit Contract 54 The use of Financial Instruments for the Purpose of Optimizing the Financial Management of the Enterprise 62 CONCLUSION AN RECCOMENDATIONS 78 REFERENCES 81 APPENDIXES 84

'ABSTRACT This paper is based on research and study of the optimization of enterprise's financial management. The financial crisis's happening in the last decade leads to the needs of changes of the accent of the economy policy from macro to micro level, and to adapt the financial management of the enterprises to more dynamic and fluctuating markets, and this can be done through using financial instruments, like credit agreements, forwards, swaps and hybrid instruments. As an optimization target is taken winery joint - stock company "Vinuri Ialoveni", using financial data of the company, the application of financial analysis methods, give us a ground to design strategies for optimization of its financial situation, and stability and protection against the fluctuation of the exchange rates, interest rates and credit rates in the market. Key words: Corporate financial management, financial analysis, optimization, "Vinuri Ialoveni" '

Financial analysis
Finansal analiz
Corporate financial management
Kurumsal finansal yönetim
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