Engineering drawing and graphic technology
French,Thomas E.
Engineering drawing and graphic technology Thomas E. French, Charles J. Vierck, Robert J. Foster - 14th edi. - Singapore Mc Graw Hill 1993 - X, 745 p. table, sahape 25.4 cm
Includes index(735-745 p.)
Engineering graphics
Mühendislik grafikleri
Mechanical drawing
Teknik resim
604.24 FRE
Engineering drawing and graphic technology Thomas E. French, Charles J. Vierck, Robert J. Foster - 14th edi. - Singapore Mc Graw Hill 1993 - X, 745 p. table, sahape 25.4 cm
Includes index(735-745 p.)
Engineering graphics
Mühendislik grafikleri
Mechanical drawing
Teknik resim
604.24 FRE