Agent sourcebook a complete guide to desktop, internet, and intranet agents
Caglayan, Alper
Agent sourcebook a complete guide to desktop, internet, and intranet agents Alper Caglayan, Colin Harrison - USA John Wiley & Sons 1997 - xviii, 349 p. fig. 23.5 cm
Includes bibliography (331 - 340) Includes index (341 - 349 p.)
Endüstriyel yönetim -- Bilgi işlem
Industrial management -- Data processing
Artificial intelligens
Yapay zeka
658.0028563 CAG
Agent sourcebook a complete guide to desktop, internet, and intranet agents Alper Caglayan, Colin Harrison - USA John Wiley & Sons 1997 - xviii, 349 p. fig. 23.5 cm
Includes bibliography (331 - 340) Includes index (341 - 349 p.)
Endüstriyel yönetim -- Bilgi işlem
Industrial management -- Data processing
Artificial intelligens
Yapay zeka
658.0028563 CAG