The effect of conflict on success and continuity in family business Deborah Onaopemipo Ajayi;Supervisor: Zanete Garanti

Yazar: Katkıda bulunan(lar):Dil: İngilizce Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia Cyprus International University 2017Tanım: VII, 113 p. table, chart 30 cmİçerik türü:
  • text
Ortam türü:
  • unmediated
Taşıyıcı türü:
  • volume
Konu(lar): Özet: 'ABSTRACT This study was a journey into knowing. It tends to explore the interaction of trust, commitment, conflict and the role they play in success and continuity of family business. The researcher looks at the effect of conflict on trust in the family business and among the family members. The effect of conflict on continuity and success of the family business was also considered. The study also examined the effect of conflict on the commitment of family members to the business. To understand and discover the interactions, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach in which five English language speaking traditional cheese businesses were selected and two family members were interviewed from each of the family business organization. This makes it a total of ten (10) people that participated and shared their experiences in favor of the study. Content analysis was used for the analysis of the collected data for in-depth understanding and findings. Four research questions were asked and the findings were that the studied family businesses succeeded because of what Hofstede (2011) defines as collectivism. They also succeeded and continued to exist as a result of the fact that they understood the concept of 'familiness' and the reason for a burning desire to be committed to the family business no matter how hot the business environment. Most importantly, this is the first time a study will be done on family business in North Cyprus. At the end of it the researcher calls the attention of the government, educators and researchers to take a little shift and dive into the family business world, so as to help those in the business and the economy of NorthCyprus as a whole. Key Words: Family, Family business, Conflict, Commitment, and Trust.'
Materyal türü: Thesis

Includes CD

Includes references(87-112 p.)

'ABSTRACT This study was a journey into knowing. It tends to explore the interaction of trust, commitment, conflict and the role they play in success and continuity of family business. The researcher looks at the effect of conflict on trust in the family business and among the family members. The effect of conflict on continuity and success of the family business was also considered. The study also examined the effect of conflict on the commitment of family members to the business. To understand and discover the interactions, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach in which five English language speaking traditional cheese businesses were selected and two family members were interviewed from each of the family business organization. This makes it a total of ten (10) people that participated and shared their experiences in favor of the study. Content analysis was used for the analysis of the collected data for in-depth understanding and findings. Four research questions were asked and the findings were that the studied family businesses succeeded because of what Hofstede (2011) defines as collectivism. They also succeeded and continued to exist as a result of the fact that they understood the concept of 'familiness' and the reason for a burning desire to be committed to the family business no matter how hot the business environment. Most importantly, this is the first time a study will be done on family business in North Cyprus. At the end of it the researcher calls the attention of the government, educators and researchers to take a little shift and dive into the family business world, so as to help those in the business and the economy of NorthCyprus as a whole. Key Words: Family, Family business, Conflict, Commitment, and Trust.'

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