Learners' autonomy, metacognitive strategy use and motivation from the perspective of brain dominance Pembe Öztemel; Supervisor: Mehmet Ali Yavuz
Dil: İngilizce Yayın ayrıntıları:Nicosia Cyprus International University 2011Tanım: X, 102 p. table 30.5 cmİçerik türü:- text
- unmediated
- volume
Materyal türü | Geçerli Kütüphane | Koleksiyon | Yer Numarası | Durum | Notlar | İade tarihi | Barkod | Materyal Ayırtmaları | |
Thesis | CIU LIBRARY Tez Koleksiyonu | Tez Koleksiyonu | YL 254 O98 2011 (Rafa gözat(Aşağıda açılır)) | Kullanılabilir | English Language Teaching Department | T33 |
CIU LIBRARY raflarına göz atılıyor, Raftaki konumu: Tez Koleksiyonu, Koleksiyon: Tez Koleksiyonu Raf tarayıcısını kapatın(Raf tarayıcısını kapatır)
Includes references (82-102 p.)
'ABSTRACT The effects of Brain Dominance and Learner Autonoomy on language learning have been investigated by many researchers throughout the years.It has been revealed that there are relationships between the learners'hemispheric dominances and language learning and as well as learner autonomy and language learning .As a result of previour studies it is agreed that ,teacher -centred classrooms have many disadvantages such as disregarding the learnes 'autonomy or their learning styles .For Dunn and Dunn(1992)each individual's learning style is a combination of biological and developmental personal characteristics that make identical instruction for some and ineffective for others. They discovered that there are individual differences in the way learnes begin to concentrate on ,process,absorb and retain new and different information.Dunn and Dunn identified five catagories with regard to how we learn ;one of the catogories was psychological which was also sub-catogorized as analytical or global,left-brain or right-brain ,and reflective or impulsive.Because of the differences in perceptions and information processing it is important to know the functioning of the brain.By knowing the differences of information processing between left and right brain ,it can be easier to discover the best way to learn new information.Although Turkish learners of English have the tendency to learn in other subjects,most of the studies concluded that they strive hard to master language skills.Taking charge of their own learning,evaluating themselves and focusing on the skills to be mastered ,might facilitate their language learning.Thus ,discovering hemispheric dominance and enhancing learner autonomy might pave the way for overcoming the learning barriers of foreign language learning.Therefore ,it is of great importance to learn this association.This study seeks to put forward the relation between the learner's hemispheric dominance and their autonomy.With respect to the relationship between brain dominance and learner autonomy,two instruments,Brain Dominance Inventory and readiness for Learner Autonomy Questionnaire ,were administrated to 205 students attending English Language Preparatory School at Cyprus International University.The data analysis was carried out through quantitative (frequencies,means standard deviations t-test and one-way ANOVA )analysis techniques. The results of the study indicated that there was a statistically significant relationship between the students' brain dominance and autonomy .Autonomy ,especially in favor of 'decision-making abilities'. '
11 Background of the study
13 Purpose of the Study
14 Significance of the Study
15 Assumptions of the study
16 Limitations of the Study
16 Organization of the Thesis
16 Summary of the Chapter
18 Introduction
18 Brain Dominance
20 The Different Part of teh Brain
20 Left cerebral hemishpere
20 Left limbic system
20 Right cerebral hemisphere
21 Rıght limbic system
21 Language and Brain
22 Linear ve. Holistics Processing
23 Sequential vs.Random Processing
23 Symbolic vs.Concrete Procesing
24 Logical vs. Intuitive
24 Verbal vs. Nonverbal Processing
25 Reality-Based vs. Fantasy-Oriented Processing
26 Related Studies on Brain Dominance
27 Autonomy in Language Learning : The Historical Background
30 Definitions of Learner Autonomy
35 Factors Involved in the Promotion of Learner Autonomy
36 Motivation
41 Metacognitive Strategies
42 Related Studies on Learners Autonomy
48 Summary of the Chapter
49 Introduction
51 Participants
51 Instruments
52 Multiple Choice Questions
52 The Culture of Learning questionnaire
53 Learner Autonomy Readiness Qusetionnaire
56 Brain Dominance Inventory
56 Procedure
57 Data Analysis
57 Summary of the Chapter
58 Introduction
58 Research Questions and Findings
60 Learner's perception of teacher and student reposibilities based on brain dominance
62 Learner's engagement in autonomous language learning activities and brain dominance
65 Learner's engagement in autonomous language learning activities and brain dominance
67 Learner's engagement in autonomous activities outside the class and brain dominance
69 Learner's engagement in autonomus activities in-class and brain dominance
71 Learner's motivation levels and brain dominance
73 Learner's metacognitive strategy use and their brain dominance
76 Conclusion
80 Pedagogical Implications of the Study
81 Suggestions for Further Research