Another brick in the barricade The gezi resistance and its aftermath Edit: Güneş Koç, Harun Aksu
Dil: İngilizce : , Baskı: 1st ediTanım: 328 p. photograph, table 20.9 cmİçerik türü:- text
- unmediated
- volume
- 9783944690346
- 305 A56 2015
Materyal türü | Geçerli Kütüphane | Yer Numarası | Kopya numarası | Durum | Notlar | İade tarihi | Barkod | Materyal Ayırtmaları | |
Books | CIU LIBRARY Genel Koleksiyon | 305 A56 2015 (Rafa gözat(Aşağıda açılır)) | C.1 | Kullanılabilir | İnfix Yayıncılık | 0066325 |
CIU LIBRARY raflarına göz atılıyor, Raftaki konumu: Genel Koleksiyon Raf tarayıcısını kapatın(Raf tarayıcısını kapatır)
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Includes bibliography(322-323 p.)
7 Introduction
Political practices and social impacts
Lorenzo D'Orsi 16 Crossing Boundaries and Reinventing futures: An Ethnography of practices of Dissent in Gezi
Yasemin Güisüm Acar and Özden Melıs Ülağ 34 Becoming us without being one' a social psychological perspective on the Gezi park protesters and negotiating level of identity
Cengız Haksöz 55 Eating In Gezi Devoured by Gezi: Food and Resistance in Istanbul Gazi park Protests
Deniz Gümüştekın 79 Gezı Protest and Socıal Mobılızatıon Through Dıgıtal Technology
Ayten Alkan and Cemal Salman 95 The Repercussions of Gezi in the context of relations between (urban) space, citizens and local / central governments
Sibel Özbudun 122 The Organic intellectuals of AKP and the uprising of june 2013
Theoretıcal Challenges
Güneş Koç 163 . A Radical-Democratic Reading of the Resistance and Occupy Gezi Movement
Tarık Atan 188 Inquiring into the inherent Conflict Between Social Movements and Organizing :lessons from Gezi
M. Ertan Kardeş 208 The Sociological Semiology of the left-out People :the Gezi Rupture
An Extended Analysis Historical.
Alp kAyserılıoğlu Güney işıkara max zırngast 226 Structural and Economical Dimensions
Çağdaş Dedeoğlu and Hasan Aksakal 249 The Contradıctıons of Erdoganısm: Political Triumph versus Socio-Cultural Failure
Seda Unsar 266 On the Political Economy of Resistance
Linking with Global Uprising
Mustafa Payraz 288 From the riots of the French banlieues to the resistance of Taksim A Crossed Glance on the Meaning of Popular protests
Engin Sustam 301 Global Revolt Movements and Bio-political Domimination
324 Authors