Akombo, Iveren Rejoyce

Human security The case study of Myanmar and Somalia Iveren Rejoyce Akombo; Supervisor: Anthony Eniayejuni - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2019 - VII, 99 p. 30.5 cm CD

Includes CD

Includes references (84-99 p.)

'ABSTRACT Human security has changed the views and understanding of the discussion of security in this twenty first century. This shift of focus is brought about as a result of the new happenings bordering on security in the international space. However, human security gaining of momentum is not fundamentally unconnected to the understanding of security itself. Human security is a live core of human existence and the sole aim of government is to promote and protect the well being of her citizens, if human security is threaten or is under a threat as in the case of Myanmar and Somalia and the attend of humanitarian needs the people were confronted with, it is essential to consider the steps taking by both government to meet the shortage of human needs and the roles of international organization or agencies in providing aid to help the influx of refugees as a results of the crisis in Myanmar and Somalia. Keywords: Myanmar; Humanitarian; Somalia; Human security; International organization; Crises; Refugees'

Myanmar -- Somalia
Myanmar - Somali
Humanitarian -- Human security
İnsani - İnsan güvenliği
International organization
Uluslararası organizasyon