OYEFUGA, Oladipo Akeem

OZONE AND UV/OZONE FOR RB5 REMOVAL FROM WATER/ Oladipo Akeem OYEFUGA; Supervisor: Şifa DOĞAN - sheets XIII, 89; figures, illustrations, tables, 30.5 cm CD.

Includes CD


Includes REFERENCES: sheets 77-89

CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Background Information 1 Global Water Pollution 1 Effect of water Pollution 4 Industrial Pollution 6 Activities causing Industrial Pollution 6 Causes of Industrial Pollution 7 Advance Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treament 7 Advanced oxidation process (AOPS) 7 Steps involved in AOPs 9 Advantages of AOPs 10 Application of AOPs 10 Ozonation 11 Importance of Treating Industrial Pollution (Textile Dye) 12 Textile dye 12 Importanace of treating industrial pollution (textile dye) 13 Aim of Study 14 CHAPTER 2 15 LITERATURE REVIEW 15 Textile Industry in Turkey 15 Wastewater Treatment in Textile Industry 19 Environmental Aspect 17 Colorant 20 Dye 21 Classification of Dye 21 Classification of Dye According to Chemical Structure 22 Classification of Dye According to application Methods 25 Existing Approach of Dye removal 26 Biodegradation 27 Electrochemical Techniques 28 Electrocoagulation 29 Coagulation and Flocculation 30 Sonolysis(Combine with Ozonation) 31 Ozone Treatment 32 Photocatalyst (Plasmonic Photodegradation Under UV) 33 Ion Exchange 33 Ozonation 34 Advantages and Disadvantages of Ozonation 35 Ozone 36 Ozone Mechanism 37 Factors Affecting Ozonation 37 Ozonation of Reactive Black 5 41 Reactive Black 5 41 Studies of Reactive Black 5 Removal 41 CHAPTER 3 44 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY 44 Materials 44 Gaseous Ozone Measurement Using Ki Method 44 Sample Preparation (Reactive Black 5 Solution) 45 Methods 46 Experimental Method 46 Analytical Method 48 Standard Calibration of Rb5 Using Uv-2450 Spectrophotometer 48 UV-2450 Spectrophotometric Analysis of Rb5 50 TOC Analysis of Reactive Black 5 Solution 50 UV-2450 Spectrophotometric Analysis of Rb5 Before And After UV 51 UV-2450 Analysis of Rb5 after UV-Ozone 51 CHAPTER 4 52 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 52 Results 52 Results for Ki Method and Ozonation 52 Result for Ki Method and Ozonation at pH 3 52 RESULT AT pH 7 58 Result at pH 10 66 Result for TOC 71 Result for UV /Ozone Analysis 72 CHAPTER 5 76 CONCLUSION 76 Conclusion 76 REFERENCES 77

ABSTRACT Water is an important resource that is needed for human development and life on earth. Textile industry is among one of the human-made activity that uses a large sum of water and as a result produces large amount of waste-water.The waste-water generated by textile industry are composed of recalcitrant and toxic dyes which are life threatening to both aquatic and land organism. The study was aimed for the removal of reactive black 5 from an aqueous solution using ozone.Gaseous ozone concentration using KI method was used to determine if the ozone generator was functioning correctly and consistently.Ozone was used for the deolorization and decomposition of reactive black 5 from solution. During the process, UV was also combined with ozone for the removal the dye from aqueous solution. The ozonation was conducted in three different Ph (pH 3,7 and 10), for each pH the process was conducted three times except for pH 10 which as conducted two twice. During the process, the samples that was collected was analyzed using UV-2450 spectrophotometer. The recordings was monitored for the degradation/ decolorization of RB5. High decolorization and degradation of RB5 occurred at pH 10 compared to pH 3and pH 7.Samples was also analyzed using TOC during the ozonation, the results showed no minerization and no change in TOC during the reaction. The combination of UV water sterilizer and Ozone for degradation and decolorization of RB5 did not have a high % removal compared to the use of only ozonation at pH 10. The highest % removal of RB5 at pH 3 was between 75-87%, for pH 7 was between 82-95%, and for pH 10 was between 98-99.9%. The highest % removal for UV/Ozone combination was 90%. Key words: Ozonation; textile waste water treatment; combined ozonation and UV treatment; Advanced oxidation process

Textile waste water treatment
Combined ozonation and UV treatment
Advanced oxidation process