Yıldız, Olcay

Total quality management and application principles for Turkish armed forces Olcay Yıldız; Supervisor: Hikmet Seçim - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2006 - VII, 60 p. graph. 30.5 cm

Includes references(59-60 p.)

CHAPTER 1 DEFINITION AND HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF QUALITY AND BASIC CONCEPT REGARDING TQM What is Quality? 2 Development of Quality Understanding Total Qualities 5 Basic Concepts regarding TQM 9 Quality Control 9 Quality Assurance 9 Quality Management 10 Quality System 10 Customer Satisfaction 10 Quality Policy 11 Inspection 11 CHAPTER II PRINCIPLE AND APPLICATION PHASES OF TQM AND FACTORS AFFECTING SUCCESS OF TQM Principles of TQM 12 Basic Objectives and Target of TQM 15 Application Phase of TQM 16 Factors Affecting Success of TQM 17 Strong and Weak Sides of TQM 18 Strong Sides 18 Weak Sides 19 CHAPTER III PRINCIPLE, APPROACHES AND STRATEGIES OF TQM Principles of TQM 21 Zero Mistake 22 Widespreading of Statistical Applications 23 Total Participation 23 Continuous Improvement 24 Change in Management Approaches 25 Continuous Training 25 Quality Approaches in TQM 25 Deming's Quality Approach 26 Joseph M. Juran's Quality Approach 26 Quality Planing 26 Quality Control 27 Quality Improvement 27 Arnold V. Feigenbaum's Quality Approach 27 Kaoru Ishıkawa's Quality Approach 28 Phill Crosby's Quality Approach 28 Peter Drucker's Quality Approach 30 Productivity in TQM 30 Strategic Dimension of TQM 31 Quality Kontrol Circles 33 ISO 9000 and TQM 36 ISO 9000 Series Quality Assurance Systems 36 ISO 9000 and TQM Relation 37 TQM for Quality Assurance 38 CHAPTER IV UNDERSTANDING AND APPLICATION PROCESS IN TURKISH ARMED FORCES AND A SQUADRON EXAMPLE TQM Understanding and Expectations in Turkish Armed Forces 39 TQM Application Process in Turkish Armed Forces 40 Application Principles of TQM in Turkish Armed Forces Units 42 TQM Application in Turkish Armed Forces 43 Benefits of Turkish Armed Forces from TQM Applications 45 TQM Application and Related Difficulties in Turkish Armed Forces 45 TQM Application for a Squadron of Turkish Armed Forces 46 Characteristics Discriminating Turkish Armed Forces from other Services and Production Sectors 47 Application Approaches of TQM 48 Expected Objectives of TQM 48 Expected Objectives of TQM 48 Expected Objectives of Teamwork 49 Team Building Phase 50 Experience Gained from the 'Efsane' Team 53 Conclusion and Recommendations 54 CONCLUSION 57 REFERENCES 59

' In recent years, Total Quality Management (TQM) has become one of the concepts frequently on the agenda. Nowadays, not only the enterprises, but also the private and state institutions are practicing quality programs. It is known by every body that the necessity of the improvement of qualities regarding goods, services, processes and relations. Organizational quality presents efforts for better processes and systems. TQM, including man-quality-productivity relations in an organization, deals with improvement of the performance at all levels and continuous improvement of activities of everyone within the organization. Activities are focused on customer satisfaction. Among the aims of TQM, satisfaction of customers and employees at all levels, continuous improvement of organization performance and presentation of opportunities regarding global competition take place. For the success of the organization, mutual trust between management and employees, full participation, integrity of individuals and organization, taking decisions and putting into execution together are among the basic principles. Within the scope of the first chapter of the study, quality and quality-related concepts are explained. In the second chapter, principles, aims, targets, as well as strong and weak sides of TQM are discussed. The third chapter discusses the principles, quality approaches and strategic dimensions of TQM. In the last application chapter,TQM understanding in Turkish armed Forces is tried to be explained with an example of squadron of the Turkish Armed Forces/ Özet Son yıllarda, Toplam Kalite Yönetimi( TKY ), iş dünyası içerisinde en çok konuşulan kavramlar arasına girmiş bulunmaktadır. Günümüzde sadece işletmeler değil, özel ve kamu kurumları da kalite programları uygulamaktadırlar. Mal, hizmet, süreç ve ilişkilerin kalitesinin geliştirilmesinin gerekliliği herkesçe bilinmektedir. Örgüt için kalite, daha iyi süreç ve sisteme yönelik çabaları sunmaktadır. Bir örgütte insan-kalite-verimlilik ilişkisini içine alan TKY; her düzeyde performansın geliştirilmesi, örgütte yer alan herkesin aktivitelerinin devamlı iyileştirilmesini içermektedir. Faaliyetler müşteri tatmini üzerine odaklanmıştır. TKY\' nin amaçları arasında; her düzeyde müşteri ve çalışanın tatmini, örgüt performansının sürekli iyileştirilmesi ve global rekabete ilişkin fırsatların sunulması yer almaktadır. Örgüt amaçlarının başarılmasında yönetim ve çalışanlar arasında karşılıklı güven, tam katılım, birey ve örgütün bütünlüğü, birlikte karar alma ve uygulama temel ilkeleri arasındadır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde kalite ve kalite ile ilgili kavramlara değinilmiştir. İkinci bölümde TKY\' nin esaslarından, amaçları ve hedeflerinden, üstün ve zayıf yönlerinden bahsedilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümünde TKY\' nin ilkeleri, TKY\' de kalite yaklaşımları ve stratejik boyutu üzerinden durulmuştur. Son ve uygulama bölümünde Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri( TSK )\' nde TKY anlayışı TKY\' nin TSK\' de Bölük seviyesinde bir örneği ayrıntılarıyla açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.'

Total quality Management
Toplam kalite yönetimi
Turkish Armed Forces
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri