Oytam, Mehmet

Management and organizational problems encountered in TRNC social insurances department and solution recommendations Mehmet Oytam; Supervisor: Hikmet Seçim - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2007 - IV, 58 p. fig., tab., ill., chart. 30.5 cm

Includes references (57-58 p.)

INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I HISTORY OF SOCIAL INSURANCES History of Social Insurance in the world 2 History of Social Insurance at Cyprus 4 Management and Organization Structure of TRNC Social Insurance Department 6 Social Insurances Department Executive Board 9 Social Insurances Department General Directorate 9 Branches and Offices of SSD 10 CHAPTER II DUTIES OF SOCIAL INSURANCE DEPARTMENT FROM THE VIEWPOINT MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND SOLUTION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Definition , Importance and Objective of Planning Planning Problems Encountered at SSD Problems Related with Planning of Budget Expenditures Problems Related with Planning of Budget Revenues Planning Problems Encountered at SSD Organization Problems Encountered at SSD Defining, Importance and Objective of Coordination Coordination Problems Encountered at SSD Definition, Importance and Objective of Orientation Orientation Problems encountered at SSD Definition, Importance and Objective of Inspection Inspection Problems Encountered at SSD Problems Encountered at Internal Inspection of SSD Problem Encountered at External Inspection of SSD CHAPTER III DUTIES OF SOCIAL INSURANCE DEPARTMENT FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND SOLUTION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Solution Recommendations 45 CONCLUSION 56 REFERENCES 57

' The service filed of the Social Insurances Department is to provide security for the persons working at the TRNC in their working lives and for their future ( such as retirement). Anxiety for the future and looking at the future with security have always been the problem of mankind at every period of history. Opposing against the professional, economic and social risks encountered in the working life, as well as the desire for taking today and tomorrow under guarantee countries to be the problem of the entire workers. The present study aims to put forward the problems encountered regarding the execution of the management functions such as planning , organization, orientation, coordination and the inspection at the Social Insurances Department and to put forward what can be done to get rid of these problems. For examples, due to the fact that the planning realized at the Social Insurances Department does exceed a year, medium and long-term plans cannot be realized due to inadequate personnel organization and due to computer in coordination and inspection. This research project has as well questioned the subject of more productive and effective access of the Social Insurances Department to the insures and the subject f how the personnel of the Department can be rendered more productive.'

Social Insurance -- TRNC
Sosyal Sigorta -- KKTC
Social Insurance
Sosyal Sigorta