Taylor, F. Kraupl

The concepts of illness, disease and morbus F. Kraupl Taylor - 1st Edition - USA Cambridge University Press 1979 - IX, 131 p. 20.4 cm

Includes references (120-124 p.) Includes index (125-131 p.)

Early notion of disease 1 Ontological theories of disease 5 Reactive theories of disease 17 Source indicators and their Perception 32 Classes and Classifications 46 Morbidity 60 Morbi 73 Molecular Morbi 92 Summary 111 References 120 Name Index 125 Subject Index 127

9780521115155 £21,00

Diseases - Causes and theories of causation
Hastalıklar -- Sebeplerin nedenleri ve teorileri

616.071 / T39 1979