Gisslen,Wayne 1946-

Professional cooking Wayne Gisslen, Andre J. Cointreau - 5th edi. - USA John Wiley & Sons 2001 - XXXII, 960 p. photo. 30 cm Includes CD.

CD Adı/Name=Professional cooking

Includes index(921-960 p.) Includes glossary(901-909 p.) Includes appendix Includes bibliography Includes recipe index(941-960 p.)

The Food Service 2 Sanitation and Safety 12 Tools and Equipment 30 Basic Cooking Principles 50 The Recipe: Its Structure and Ites Uses 70 The Manu 90 Mise en Place 108 Stock and Sauces 124 Soups 168 Understanding meats and Game 208 Cooking Meats and Games 238 Understanding Poultry and Game Birds 296 Cooking Poultry and Game Birds 310 Understanding Fish and Shellfish 358 Cooking Fish and Shellfish 386 Understanding Vegetables 428 Cooking Vegetables 454 Potatoes and Other Starches 484 Salads and Salad Dressings 530 Sandwiches and Hors d'Oeuvres 580 Breakfast Preparation Dairy Products and Coffee and Tea 610 Sausages and Cured Foods 642 Pates Terrines and Other Cold Foods 664 Food Presentation and Garnish 696 Recipes From International Cuisines 716 Bakeshop Production Basic Principles and Ingredients 756 Yeast Products 772 Quick Breads 794 Cakes and Icings 802 Cookies 826 Pies and Pastries 840 Creams Custards Puddings Frozen Desserts and Sauces 868 METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS 891 STANDARD CAN SIZES 892 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT VOLUME EQUIVALENTS OF DRY FOODS 893 KITCHEN MATH EXERCISES METRIC VERSIONS 894 EGGS AND SAFETY 897 BIBLIOGRAPHY 899 GLOSSARY 901 U.S, -U.K, COOKING VOCABULARY 911 FRENCH -ENGLISH COOKING VOCABULARY, 913 SUBJECT INDEX RECIPE INDEX


Vegetarian cookery
Vejeteryan mutfağı
Food & drink
Yiyecek & içecek
Yemek servisi
Quantity cookery
Miktar aşçılık
Food service

641.57 / G47 2001