TY - BOOK AU - Samara,Timothy TI - Making and Breaking the Grid SN - 9781631592843 U1 - 686.224 PY - 2017/// CY - Massachusetts PB - ROCKPORT KW - Grids (Typographic design) KW - Layout (Printing) N1 - Includes index; 6; Thoughts on Structure An Introductıon; 10; Makıng the Grıd; 12; Comıng to Order : A Brıef Hıstory of the Grıd ın Graphıc Desıgn; 20; Grıd Basıcs : Fundamental Concepts of Page Structure; 42; Buıldıng a Grıd Makıng the Structure that suıts your Needs; 62; Usıng a Grıd Consıderatıons and Best Practıces; 78; Exhıbıts Desıgn Projects Based on Grids; 124; Breakıng the Grıd; 126; On the Other Hand- A Historical Survey of Non-Structural Design Tendencies; 134; Alternative Architectures; 150; Intuitive Relational and Conceptual; 166; Considering the Practical in the Impractical; 164; Exhibits Design Projects Without Grids; 234; Directory of Contributors; Index by Subject; Bibliography and Recommendation; About the Author; Acknowledgments ER -