Abali, Emine Arcikan

Lippincott Illustrated Reviews : Biochemistry / Emine Ercikan Abali, Susan D. Cline, David S. Franklin, Susan M. Viselli - 8th edition - xi,625 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

11 copies

Protein Structure and Function Amino Acids and The Role of pH 1 Protein Structure 14 Globular Proteins 26 Fibrous Protein 45 Enzymes 57 Bıoenergetıcs and Carbohydrate Metabolısm Bioenergetics and Oxıdatıve Phosphorylatıon 77 Introductıon to Carbohydrates 92 Introductıon to Metabolısm and Glycolysıs 100 Trıcarboxylıc Acıd Cycle and Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex 120 Gluconeogenesıs 128 Glycogen Metabolısm 137 Monosaccharıde and Disaccharide Metabolısm 151 Pentose Phosphate Pathway and Nıcotınamıde Adenıne Dınucleotıde Phosphate 160 Glycosamınoglycans Proteoglycans and Glycoproteıns 173 Lıpıd Metabolism Dietary Lipid Metabolism 191 Fatty Acid Triacylglycerol and Ketone Body Metabolism 201 Phospholipid Glycosphingolipid and Eicosanoid Metabolism 223 Cholesterol Lipoprotein and Steroid Metabolism 243 Nitrogen Metabolism Amino Acids: Nitrogen Disposal 271 Amino Acids: Degradation and Synthesis 290 Amino Acids: Conversion to Specialized Product 308 Nucleotide Metabolism 324 Integration of Metabolism Metabolic Effects of Insulin and Glucagon 341 The Feed-Fast Cycle 357 Diabetes Mellitus 375 Obesity 390 Medical Nutrition Nutrition Overview and Macronutrient 401 Micronutrient : Vitamins 423 Micronutrients : Minerals 446 Storage and Expression of Genetic Information DNA Structure Replication and Repair RNA Structure Synthesis and Processing Protein Synthesis Regulation of Gene Expression Biotechnology and Human Disease Blood Clotting Appendix Index figure Sources



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