TY - BOOK AU - Karmo,Ahmed AU - Nejad,Mazyar Ghadiri TI - THE INFLUENCE OF INDIVIDUAL ATTITUDES AND SOME ADDITIONAL FACTORS TOWARD THE INTENTION TO USE ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN THE NEAR FUTURE PY - 2024/// KW - Engineering Management KW - Dissertations, Academic N1 - Thesis (MSc) - Cyprus International University. Institute of Graduate Studies and Research Engineering Management N2 - Electric vehicles play a crucial role in shifting toward sustainable transportation and provide a hopeful answer to the environmental issues presented by conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. This study examines the effect of individual attitudes and other factors on the intention to use EVs in the near future such as usefulness, ease of use, environmental concerns, and cost all of which are hypothesized to significantly impact the decision to adopt EVs. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of individual attitudes, as well as other contributing factors, on the intention to use EVs in the near future. This study used a quantitative research approach to evaluate the factors that influence people's intentions to use EVs in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). An online survey with 210 participants was conducted between June and July 2024 to obtain cross-sectional data. The survey, which was adapted from existing literature, used a 5-point Likert scale to evaluate key criteria. Probability sampling ensured the sample's representativeness, providing a solid foundation for generalizing the findings. Mixed methods were used in the study to combine qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The study looked at criteria such as usefulness, environmental concerns, ease of use, and cost to see how these correlated with the intention to purchase an EVs. The findings show that individual attitudes have a considerable impact on the intention to use EVs, with perceived usefulness and simplicity of use being the most relevant determinants. There were significant positive associations found between the intention to use EVs and usefulness (0.727) and ease of use (0.587). Environmental concerns were particularly important, with significant correlations found between perceived usefulness (0.593) and intention to use EVs (0.531). Although pricing had a lower association, it still showed a moderate relationship with the intention to use EVs. The study emphasizes the significance of improving EVs' perceived usefulness and ease of use in order to increase their adoption. It also emphasizes the need for environmental awareness programs to encourage EVs adoption. While cost is still an important concern, it pales in comparison to the perceived benefits and environmental implications ER -