AU - Neumam, Lawrence W. TI - Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches SN - 0-205-46531-5 U1 - 301.072 PY - 0000/// CY - PB - KW - Sociology and anthropology KW - Sosyoloji ve antropoloji KW - Sociology--Research--Methodology KW - Sosyoloji - Araştırma - Metodoloji KW - Social sciences--Research--Methodology KW - Sosyal bilimler - Araştırma - Metodoloji N1 - Includes bibliography (548-583 p.); Includes ındexes (584-592 p.); 1; Scıence and Research; 2; Alternatıve to socıal research; 6; How Science Works; 13; Quantitative and Qualitative Social Research; 14; Steps in the Research Process; 20; Why Conduct Social Research; 20; Conclusion; 23; Dimensions of Research; 23; Dimensions of Research; 47; Conclusion; 49; Theory and Research; 50; What is Theory; 50; Social Theory versus Ideology; 52; The Parts of Social Theory; 58; Aspects of theory; 76; The Dynamic Duo; 77; Conclusion; 79; The Meanings of Methodology; 80; The Three Approaches; 81; Positivist Social Science; 87; Interpretive Social Science; 94; Critical Social Science; 102; Feminist and Postmodern Research; 104; Conclusion; 110; The Literature Review and Ethical; 110; The Literature Review; 129; Ethics in Social Research; 146; Conclusion; 149; Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs; 149; Triangulation; 151; Qualitative and Quantitative Orientations towards Research; 157; Qualitative Design Issues; 160; Quantitative Design Issues; 174; Conclusion; 179; Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement; 180; Why Measure; 181; Qualitative and Quantitative measurement; 181; Parts of the measurement Process; 188; Reliability and Validity; 198; A Guide to Quantitative Measurement; 198; A Guide to Quantitative Measurement; 202; Index Construction; 206; Scales; 216; Conclusion; 219; Qualitative and Quantitative Sampling; 220; Nonprobability Sampling; 224; Probability Sampling; 244; Conclusion; 246; Experimental Research; 247; Research Questions Appropriate for an Experiment; 248; A short History of the Experimental in Social Research; 249; Random Assignment; 252; Experimental Design Logic; 259; Internal and External Validity; 267; Practical Consideration; 267; Results of Experimental Research: Making Comparison; 269; A word on Ethics; 269; Conclusion; 272; Survey Research; 273; Research Questions Appropriate for Survey; 273; A History of Survey Research; 276; The Logic of Survey Research; 277; Constructing the Questionnaire; 299; Types of Surveys: Advantages and Disadvantages; 304; interviewing; 313; The Ethical Survey; 314; Conclusion; 320; Nonreactive Research and Secondary Analysis; 320; Nonreactive Measurement; 322; Content Analysis; 331; Existing Statistics/Documents and Secondary Analysis; 339; Issues of Inference and Theory Testing; 340; Conclusion; 343; Analysis Of Quantitative; 344; Dealing with Data; 346; Result with one Variable; 353; Results with Two Variables; 362; More than Two Variables; 370; Inferential Statistics; 374; Conclusion; 378; Field Research; 379; Research Questions Appropriate for Field Research; 379; A Short Story of Field Research; 383; The Logic of Field Research; 385; Choosing a Site and Gaining Access; 392; Relations in the Field; 396; Observing and collecting Data; 406; The Field Research interview; 411; Leaving the Field; 412; Ethical Dilemmas of Field Research; 414; Conclusion; 418; Historical Comparative Research; 419; A Short History of Historical Comparative Research; 420; Research; 428; Steps in a Historical-Comparative Research project; 430; Data and Evidence in Historical Context; 437; Comparative Research; 449; Equivalence in Historical -Comparative Research; 452; Ethics; 453; Conclusion; 457; Analysis of Qualitative; 458; Comparing Methods of Data Analysis; 459; Coding and Concept formation; 466; Analysis Strategies for Qualitative Data; 480; Other Techniques; 488; Conclusion; 490; Writing the Research Report and the Politics of Social Research; 491; The Research Report; 504; The Politics of Social Research; 516; Objectivity and Value; 518; Conclusion; 521; American Sociological Association Code of Ethics; 535; Table of Randomly Selected Five Digit Number; 537; Sample of Data Archives and Resources for Secondary Analysis; 539; Measure Theory and Specialized Techniques for index and Scale Construction; 543; Evaluation Research; 548; Bibliography; 584; Name Index; 586; Subject Index ER -