AU - Ünverdi, Behre AU - Supervisor: Saracel, Nüket TI - Occupational health and safety analyzes in Turkish civil aviation sector for flying personnel as a function of human resources management PY - 2012/// CY - Lefkoşa PB - Cyprus International University KW - Occupational health and safety KW - İş sağlığı ve güvenliği KW - Civil aviation KW - Sivil havacılık N1 - Includes bibliography (89-93 p.); CHAPTER 1; 1; GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT CIVIL AVIATION IN TURKEY; 1; CIVIL INFROMATION ABOUT CIVIL AVIATION IN TURKEY; 1; CIVIL AVIATION CONCEPTION IN TURKISH CIVIL AVIATION SECTOR; 1; Civil Aviation Conception; 1; Turkish Civil Aviation Sector; 5; ORGANIZATION REGULATING AND MONITORING CIVIL AVIATION ACTIVITIES; 6; International Organizations; 6; International Civil Aviation Organization; 6; In General; 7; Functions of International Civil Aviation Organization; 9; Europeans Civil Aviation Conferences; 9; In General; 10; Functions of European Civil Aviation Conferences; 10; Europeans Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation; 10; In General; 11; Functions of Europeans Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation; 12; Regulatory Institution of Civil Aviation in Turkey; 12; Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication; 13; Directorate General of Civil Aviation; 13; General Directorate of State Airports; 14; Turkish State Meterological Service; CHAPTER 2; 16; LEGAL REGULATIONS IN TURKEY, ISO STANDAREDS AND ORGANIZATION POLICIES CONCERNING THE FLYING PERSONNEL IN CIVIL AVIATION SECTOR; 16; LEGAL REGULATIONS IN TURKEY; 16; Legal Regulations about Individual Labor Relations; 17; Sources of Indıvıdual Labor and Their Relations with the Flying Personnel; 18; Labor Law (Law No. 4857); 19; Code of Obligations (Law No. 6098); 20; Conclusion of Labor Contracts 2; 22; Content of Labor Contracts; 22; Freedom of Contractual and Its Limits; 23; Source of Contractual Rights and Duties; 23; Duties Concerning Job Safety; 23; Duty of the Employer to Ensure Job Safety; 25; Duty of the Employee to Comply with the Directions Concerning Job Safety; 25; Termination of Labor Contracts; 28; Collective Labor Relations; 28; In General; 29; Sources of Law; 39; Types of Employment Covered by Social Security System; 40; Types of Social Insurances; 40; Short-Term Social Insurances; 40; Insurance of Occupatıonal Accidents and Illnesses; 42; Illness Isurance; 42; Motherhood Isurance; 43; Long-Term Social Insurances; 43; Disablements Insurance; 44; Old-Age Insurance; 45; Death Insurance; 46; ISO STANDARDS; 47; ISO 9000; 47; ISO 14000; 47; OHSAS 18001; 48; ORGANIZATIONAL POLICIES IN TURKISH CIVIL AVIATION; 48; Organization Policy in Turkish Airlines; 48; Organization Policy in Onur Air; 51; Organization Policy in Atlas Jet; 51; Organization Policy in Peagasus Airlines; 52; Organization Policy in Sun Express; 53; Organization Policy in Sky Airlines; CHAPTER 3; 54; FACTORS THREATENING THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AND RESULT CONCERNING TO FLYING PERSONNEL OF TURKISH CIVIL AVIATION SECTOR; 54; THREAT FACTORS OF THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY; 54; In General; 54; Irregular Working Hours Related Problems; 57; Physıcal Condıtıon Related Problems; 57; Airport Environment; 58; Runway Environment; 58; Weather Conditions; 62; Technical Equipment Originated Problems; 62; Double Radio Altimeter Failure; 62; Auto Flight Failure; 62; Fire; 63; Human Factor Related Problems; 66; Physiologic Problems; 66; Visual Illusıons; 71; Medical Problem; 69; Hypoxia; 71; Medical Problems; 71; Alcohol; 72; Drugs and Self Medication; 73; Fatigue; 75; Psychological Problems; 76; OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY THREATENING FACTORS' RESULT CONCERNING TO FLYING PERSONNEL OF TURKISH CIVIL AVIATION SECTOR; 76; Occupational Accidents; 82; Occupational Illnesses; 82; Aerotoxic Syndrome; 84; Deep Vein Thrombosis; 84; Radiation Related Cancer; 84; Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders; 86; CONCLUSION; 89; BIBLIOGRAPHY N2 - 'Civil aviation sector is a rapidly developing sector in both international and domestic. Civil aviation transportation is the subject of preference by providing faster and secure transportation opportunity among other transportation mediums which are sea and land transportations. Linked to the increase in the demand, the number of company, airports and flights are increased in Turkish civil aviation transportation sector. Increased demand brought the competition together and this situation cause the workload for the flying personnel. Besides to workloads, other working condition related reasons and personal factors treat the occupational health and safety. The responsibilities of the air transportation companies, employees, labor unions and government are increase. In the first chapter of the thesis, general information is given about the Turkish civil aviation sector and tried to emphasize that the importance of sector is increased within this scope. Also, the information is given about the international organizations and regulatory institutions of Turkish civil aviation sector. In the second chapter of the thesis, organizational policies on protection and increase of the flight safety and occupational health which are followed by the companies in Turkish civil aviation sector are mentioned by explaining the legal regulations for flying personnel in Turkish civil aviation companies and ISO Standards. In the third chapter of the thesis, factors threatening the occupational health and safety and these factors\' results on flying personnel in Turkish civil aviation sector are explained. Key Words: Civil aviation; Occupational health and safety. Sivil havacılık sektörü gerek yurt içinde, gerekse yurt dışında hızla gelişen ve büyüyen bir sektördür. Hava yolları taşımacılığı diğer yolcu taşımacılığı sektörleri olan deniz ve kara taşımacılığına göre daha hızlı ve güvenilir ulaşım olanağı sağlaması dolayısıyla müşteriler tarafından tercih edilmektedir. Talepteki bu artışa bağlı olarak Türk sivil hava taşımacılığı sektöründe şirket sayısı, hava meydanları ve sefer sayıları da artmıştır. Artan talep rekabeti de beraberinde getirmiş olup, bu durum uçuş personelinin daha yoğun çalışmasını gerektirmektedir. Yoğun çalışmanın yanı sıra çalışma ortamına bağlı diğer koşullar ve bireysel faktörler de iş sağlığı ve güvenliğini tehdit etmektedir. Bu konuda hava yolu şirketlerinin, çalışanlarının, sendikaların ve devletin sorumlulukları artmaktadır. Tezin ilk bölümünde; Türk sivil havacılık sektörü hakkında genel bilgi verilmiş ve bu kapsamda sektörün öneminin arttığı da vurgulanmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca, Türk sivil havacılık sektörünün bağlı bulunduğu uluslararası organizasyonlar ile Türkiye\'deki sivil havacılık sektörünü düzenleyen kurumlar hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Tezin ikinci bölümünde; Türk sivil havacılık sektöründe uçucu personele ilişkin yasal düzenlemeler ve ISO standartları anlatılarak, Türkiye\'deki sivil havacılık sektöründe faaliyet gösteren şirketlerin uçuş güvenliğini ve sağlığını koruma ve arttırma konusunda izlemiş oldukları organizasyonel politikalara değinilmiştir. Tezin üçüncü bölümünde; Türk sivil havacılık sektöründe çalışan uçuş personelinin karşılaştığı iş sağlığı ve güvenliğini tehdit eden faktörler ve bu faktörlerin çalışanlar üzerinde yarattığı sonuçlar açıklanmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Sivil havacılık; İş sağlığı ve güvenliği.' ER -