Abdukhakimov, Azizbek 1986-

A comparative semantic analysis of emotions in English and Uzbek languages based on The Great Gatsby Azizbek Abdukhakimov; Supervisor: Behbood Mohammadzadeh - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2013 - VI, 86 p. table 30.5 cm CD

Includes CD

Includes references (74-77 p.)

CHAPTER I. Introduction Presentation 1 Background of the Study 1 Purpose of the Study 2 Scientific novelty of the Study 3 The theoretical significance of the Study 4 Research questions 4 The practical value of the Study 4 CHAPTER II. General characteristics of emotions 5 Characteristics of emotions on psycholinguistics level 5 Equivalence of emotive words, concept, realities of Uzbek and English languages, the lexical concept detail 11 Evaluative speech response 14 CHAPTER III. Positive emotions Characteristics of positive emotions 22 Emotion of ''joy'' in the First degree of expressiveness 24 Emotion of ''Joy'' in the First degree of expressiveness 28 Emotion of ''joy'' in the Second degree of Expressiveness 32 CHAPTER IV. Negative emotions 36 Analysis of the emotion of ''dissatisfaction'' 39 Analysis of emotion of ''anger'' 41 Analysıs of emotıon ''despair'' 43 Analysıs of emotıon of ''contempt'' 46 Analysis of the emotion ''İrritation'' 48 Analysis of the emotion of ''indifference'' 51 CHAPTER V. Thematization of emotions in English Speech The pedagodical aspect of the study 53 The Educational role in the development of Foreign language culture 54 Cognitive aspect of Foreign language culture 56 Developments aspect of foreign langauge culture 57 Educational aspect (pedagpgical content) foreign languagec 58 The first stage(work with the dictionary) 61 The secondaryu stage (examining and fixing) 65 The third stage (auxiliary) 67 CONCLUSION 71 REFERENCES 73 APPENDICES 77

' This thesis aims to explore whether different emotions in English language have the same equivalent in Uzbek language. Emotions are psychological states of human beings reflecting in the form of direct experience, pleasant or unpleasant sensations, man\'s relationship to the world and people. They include all mental processes and the human conditions. The main function of emotions is that they help us better understand each other, without using speech, we can judge the state of each other and better customize for collaboration and communication. The thesis is devoted to a comprehensive study of negative and positive verbal and nonverbal emotions in English and Uzbek languages. Previous research studies in the field of emotional syntax and vocabulary are concerned with the systematic approach to the organization of emotional phenomena. However, they do not discuss the problems in the text related to emotions based on linguistic and non-linguistic means. This thesis research aims to fill this gap. Considering the distinction between the positive and negative emotions, classification of Lazarus (1991:24) will be applied. The positive classification in this study is \"joy\" and the negative classification includes \"dissatisfaction\", \"anger\", \"despair\", \"contempt\", irritation\", and \"indifference\". The thesis analyzes the thematization of emotions and identifies the characteristics of the process for each of them. F. Scott Fitzgerald\'s novel The Great Gatsby is used as the material of linguistic analysis. The research work provides a basis to propose a number of provisions on the nature of the process of thematization of complex emotions: every emotion has a number of ways to be presented in the text. Thematization of emotions consists of several methods of its presentation, which includes indirect evidence of exposure. It is important to have a full range to form a coherent picture of the nature of the presentation of emotions. This is the methodological basis of this study. Key words: Thematization of emotions, Positive emotions, Negative emotions, English Language Teaching, Uzbek language, Great Gatsby'

Pozitif duygular
Positive emotions
Duyguların uyumu
Thematization of emotions