Kaya, Hakan

The effects of personal values on consumer's decision making styles A study in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Hakan Kaya; Supervisor: Ebru Güneren - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2013 - X, 117 p. tab. 30.5 cm CD

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INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1 3 THE DEFINITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONAL VALUES 3 The Concept of Value and the Definition of Value 3 The Relationship and Differences Between Values and Some Other Concepts 5 Value and Attitudes 5 Value and Culture 7 Value and Needs 9 Value and Beliefs 10 Value and Life Style 11 The theoretical structure of values 13 Values according to Maslow 13 The Value approach of Rokeach 14 VALS Value Approach 15 Kahle Value Approach 18 Schwartz's Value Approach 20 MILOV Value Approach 21 CHAPTER 2 24 CONSUMPTION, THE CONCEPT OF CONSUMER AND THE PURCHASE DECISION STYLE OF CONSUMER 24 The Description of Consumption and Consumer 24 The Consumer Profile and Its Effects 26 The Definition of Consumer Behavior 26 Consumer Behavior and Its important in Marketing 28 The Types of Consumer Purchase Decisions 31 Routine(Automatic) Purchase Behavior 31 Purchase with Limited Effort 32 Purchase with Hard Effort 33 Reactional Purchase 33 The Process of Consumer Decision Making Style 34 Problem Recognition 35 Infromation Search 36 Evaluation of Alternatives 37 Products Choice 38 Outcomes 38 The Approaches of Consumer Purchase Decision Making Types 39 Psychogarphic Life Style Approach 40 Consumer Typology Approach 41 Consumer Characteristics 41 The Usage of Cosumer Decision-Making Style Inventory 43 The Usage of Consumer Decision-Making Style Inventory 45 CHAPTER 3 45 THE STUDY FOR THE EFFECTS OF PERSONAL VALUES ON THE CONSUMER PURCHASE STYLE 45 The Aim and the Importance of the Study 45 The Hypothesis and the Conceptual Model of the Study 46 The Context and Constraints of the Study 49 The Method of The Study 49 The Target Population and The Sample of the Study 49 The Preparation and the Context of the Questionnaire 49 The Demographic Features of the Sample 50 The Analysis of The Data 51 The Results of the Reliability Analysis Related with the Personal Values 52 The Results of the Factor Analysis Related with the Purchase Decision Making Styles of Alcoholic Beverages 52 Hypothesis Testing Related with the Relations between Personal Values and the Purchase Decision-Making Styles of Alcoholic Beverages 56 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 97 REFERENCES 104

'Abstract How consumers decide to buy a product and according to which criterions they buy the product are the subjects that marketers mostly interested in and analyze. The consumers develop a purchase style by taking the right factors for themselves into consideration. Many factors cause the occurrence of these types. One of these factors, the personal values of the consumer, is more dominant than other factors in some cases. The aim of this research is measuring the impact of personal values on purchase decision-making style. In recent years, as the consumption of alcoholic beverage is increasing permanently, analyzing the consumer purchase style on this has become necessary for the marketers. This is because the market of alcoholic beverage is really big and getting bigger day by day. In the theoretical part of this study, some information about the personal values is given and purchase decision-making style is explained. In the light of them, the effects of the personal values in purchase decision-making of alcoholic beverage are tried to be specified. The consumers, who live in a tourist attraction, Famagusta, and consume alcoholic beverages, are counted in this study. In the research, initially the personal values are asked to the consumers and then their purchase decision-making style is tried to be specified via multiple regression and canonical correlation analysis. As a result of the analysis, it can be said that the individuals who emphasis on their personal development, enjoy the life and like having warm relationships with others are well-versed in buying alcoholic beverage, rejoice in shopping and perfectionists. Key Words: Purchase decision-making style, personal values, alcoholic beverages. Özet Tuketicilerin bir urunu almaya nasıl karar verdikleri, urunleri hangi kıstaslara gore aldıkları pazarlamacıların en cok merak ettikleri ve inceledikleri konulardır. Tuketiciler urunu secerken kendine gore doğru olan etkenleri goz onunde bulundurarak bir satın alma tarzı gelistirirler. Bir cok etken bu tarzların gelismesine neden olur. Bazı durumlarda bu nedenlerden birisi diğerlerine gore biraz daha ağır basar, bu da tuketicinin bireysel değerleridir. Arastırmanın amacı, bireysel değerlerin satın alma karar tarzı uzerindeki etkisini olcmektir. Son yıllarda alkollu icecek tuketiminin surekli artısı, pazarlamacıların bu konuda tuketicinin satın alma tarzını incelemesi gerekliliğini ortaya cıkarmıstır. Cunku alkollu icecek pazarı oldukca buyuktur ve surekli olarak buyumeye devam etmektedir. Yapılan bu calısmanın kuramsal bolumunde bireysel değerler hakkında bilgiler ve tuketici satın alma karar tarzının ne olduğu acıklanmıstır. Buradan yola cıkarak bireysel değerlerin alkollu icecek satın alma karar tarzları uzerindeki etkileri belirlenmeye calısılmıstır. Arastırmaya Kuzey Kıbrıs Turk Cumhuriyeti Gazi Mağusa ilcesinde yasayan ve alkollu icecek satın alan tuketiciler dahil edilmistir. Arastırmada once tuketicilerin bireysel değerlere verdiği onem sorulmus daha sonra satın alma karar tarzları coklu regresyon ve kanonik korelasyon analizleriyle tespit edilmeye calısılmıstır. Analiz sonucunda, kisisel gelisimine onem veren, hayattan zevk alan ve baskalarıyla sıcak iliskiler kurmaktan hoslanan bireylerin alkollu icecek alırken alısveris uzmanı oldukları, alısveristen zevk aldıkları ve mukemmeliyetci oldukları soylenebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Satın alma karar tarzı, bireysel değerler, alkollu icecek. '

Alkollü içecek
Alcoholic beverages
Satın alma karar tarzı
Purchase decision-making style