AU - Dada,Olumide Babatunde AU - Supervisor: Köprülü, Nur TI - The growing power of International Organizations: The role of United Nations and NATO in Libya PY - 2013/// CY - Nicosia PB - Cyprus International University KW - İnsani müdahale KW - Humanitarian intervention KW - Egemenlik KW - Sovereignty N1 - Includes bibliography (46-53 p.); 1; CHAPTER ONE; 1; INTRODUCTION; 4; RESEARCH OBJECTIVE AND METHODOLOGY; 5; STATEMENT OF PROBLEM; 6; SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF STUDY; CHAPTER TWO; 7; SOVERIGNTY VS HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTAION; 7; THE CONCEPT OF SOVEREIGNTY; 9; THE EMERGENCE OF WESTPHALIAN STATE SYSTEM; 12; UNITED NATIONS AND SOVEREIGNTY; 14; JUSTIFYING UNITED NATIONS LED HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTIONS; 16; UNITED NATIONS INTERVENTION IN IRAQ: CASE STUDY OF 1990 GULF WAR; 18; UNITED NATIONS INTERVENTION IN RWANDA:RWANDA GENOCIDE (1993-1996); 22; EARLY LIBYA; 23; MUAMAR GADDAFI: BACKGROUND/HISTORY; 24; GADDAFI'S REGIME; 26; UNDERSTANDING ARAB SPRING; 26; SITUATION IN TUNISIA; 27; SITUATION IN EGYPT; 28; EFFECT OF ARAB SPRING ON LIBYA AND THE ROAD TO HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION; 32; CHAPTER FOUR; 32; UNDERSTANDING NATO'S ROLE; 33; NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION AND LIBYA; 35; NATO'S WAR STRATEGY IN LIBYA; 37; NATO'S SHORTCOMINGS IN LIBYA; 38; ROLE OF UN/NATO: WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THEORY; 40; NEOREALISM; 43; CHAPTER FIVE; 43; CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATION; 43; BIBLIOGRAPHY N2 - 'Abstract Since the end of the Cold War, states have increasingly come under pressure to intervene militarily and, in fact, have intervened militarily to protect citizens other than their own from humanitarian disasters. Unlike many other cases of mass atrocity and life taking crisis, international response to the crisis in Libya has been remarkably quick and decisive. The contributions of International Organizations like United Nations and North Atlantic Treaty Organization cannot be overlooked. The recent pattern of humanitarian interventions raises the issue of what interests intervening states could possibly be pursuing. This paper provide an overview on United Nations - NATO's operation in Libya against the government of Muammar Gaddafi which has been the subject of evolving domestic and international military intervention. It also proceeds by providing a framework on factors responsible for the change or reconceptualization of sovereignty and a review on the justification of United Nations intervention in related crisis like; Iraq war (1990-1991) and Rwanda Genocide (1993-1996). In order to clearly understand surrounding factors that might have triggered the quick decisive intervention in Libya, preceding chapters focus on the effect of the Arab spring in Libya, and the shift from UN to NATO intervention. And conclusively, the latter part of this paper shows the justification of this research using substantial theories that best interpret the role and position of International Organizations in the international system. Keywords: Sovereignty, International Organizations, Humanitarian Intervention, Libya, United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Arab Spring. Özet Soğuk Savaşın sona ermesinin ardından, dünya siyasetinde uluslararası örgütlerin rolü bir kez daha mercek altına alınmaya başlanmış, ve insani müdahale kavarmını uluslararası ilişkilerin temel sorunsallarından biri haline getirmiştir. Bu çerçevede, Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Örgütü başta olmak üzere, uluslararası örgütlerin insani müdahale yöntemi - özlede Libya - ile dünyanın birçok bölgesinde yürüttükleri müdahaleler bu tezin temel amacını oluşturmaktadır. Arap Baharı sonrasında Libya'da Kaddafi'nin devrilmesi ve ardından BM'in aldığı karar doğrultusunda ülkeye müdahale edilmesi ve beraberinde NATO'nun bu görevi devralması bu çalışmanın temel çıkış noktasını nitelemektedir. Bu noktada, BM ve NATO özelinden yola çıkarak, Soğuk Savaş Sonrasında uluslararası örgütlerin rolü ve değişen nitelikleri Libya örneği üzerinden çözümlenmeye çalışılacaktır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Egemenlik, Uluslararası Örgütler, insani müdahale, Libya, BM, NATO, Arap Baharı.' ER -