Musa, Muhammad Khidre

Physical and mechanical properties of fly ash, marble dust and bottom ash as a construction material Muhammad Khidre Musa; Supervisor: Ertuğ Aydın - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2013 - XIX, 171 p. col.pic., 30.5 cm CD

Includes CD

Includes references (165-171 p.)

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION General 1 Objective of the Study 7 Guide for thesis 7 CHAPTER 2 CEMENT AND POLYMER FIBER 8 Portland Cement 8 Cement chemişcal composition 8 Hydration of cement composition 9 Properties of cement paste 11 The Finess an particle size distribution of portland cement 11 Setting of Cement paste 12 Workability of Cement paste 12 Air entrainment 13 Polymer Fiber 13 Application of polymer fiber 17 Effect of Fibers on properties of fresh concrete 17 Effect of slump 17 Plastic shrimkage cracking 18 Drying shrinkage 19 Effects of Fiber on proporties of hardened concrete 19 Effect of on compressive, fexural and tensile strength 19 Effects on impact, abrsion and fatigue resistance 21 CHAPTER 3 ADMIXTURES 22 Types of admixtures 24 Mineral admixtures 24 Chemical admixture 24 Chemical admixture category 24 Super-plasticizers 26 CHAPTER 4 UTILIZATIONS OF FLY ASH, BOTTOM ASH AND MARBULE DUST 29 Fly ash 29 Types of Fly ash 30 Class c fly ash 30 Class f fly ash 33 Physical and Chemical properties of fly ash 36 Chemical composition 36 Physical properties of fly ash 37 Particle shape 37 Fineness 38 Density 39 Color 39 Method of using fly ash in cement concerete 40 Utilization of fly ash 41 Concrete pipe 43 Manufacture of lightweight aggregate 44 Lightweight fly ash concrete 45 Autoclaved cellular concrete(ACC) 45 High Strength concrete mix for specific application 46 Roller compacted concrete 47 Precast/pre stressed concrete products 48 Concrete pavement 50 Blended cement 51 Mass concrete 51 Environment benefits of fly ash use in concrete 52 For transportaion purpose 52 Fills and embakments 52 Backfills 52 Pavement bae and sub base courses 53 Subgrade stabilization 53 Landfill cover 53 Bottom ash 54 Chemical composition of bottom ash 55 Physical properties of bottom ash 57 Utilization area of bottom ash in building construction 59 Lightweight aggregate 59 Concrete pavement and rolled compacted concrete 60 Production in masonry unit such as brick and block 61 Mass concrete 63 Marble dust 64 Chemical properties of marble dust 66 Physical properties of marble dust 67 Color of marble 67 Particle size of marble dust 69 Utilizatrion area of dust in building construct in materials 70 For manufacture of bricks 70 Manufacture of ceramics and moasic tiles 71 Hollow blocks and wall tiles 74 Manufacture of activated calcium carbonate 75 Granite and marble dust filler in asphalt concrete 75 CHAPTER 5 EFFECT OF FLY ASH,BOTTOM ASH AND MARBLE DUST ON PROPERTIES OF FRESH AND HARDENED CONCRETE 76 Effect of fly ash on concrete 76 Effects on properties of fresh concrete 76 Workability 76 Bleeding 77 Pumpability 77 Time setting 77 Finishability 78 Effects on Properties of hardened concrete 78 Compressive strneth and rate of strength gain 81 Bond of concrete 81 Temperature rise 81 Resistance to high tempertures 83 Permeability and corrosion protection 83 Sulfate resistance 84 Effect of bottom ash fresh and hardens concrete properties 86 Effect of bottom ash on fresh concrete properties 86 Workability and flow of bottom ash 86 Water requirement 87 Setting time and consistency 90 Bleeding 90 Effects of marble dust on hardened concrete properties 91 Compressive strength and bulk density 91 Flexural strength 94 Effect of marble dust on fresh and hardend concrete properties 95 Effect of marble dust on fresh concrete properties 95 Workability 95 Compressive strength 95 Fexural strength test 97 Water penetration 97 CHAPTER 6 ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE OF FLYASH, BOTTOM ASH, MARBLE DUST AND POLYMER FIBER Advantage of polymer fiber reinforcement (PFRC) 99 Disadvantages of polymer fiber reinforcement concert 100 Advantage of fly ash 100 Disadvantage of fly ash 101 Advantages of bottom ash 103 Disadvantages of bottom ash 103 Advantage of marble dust 103 Disadvantages of marble dust 104 CHAPTER 7 EFFECT OF SINTERING TEMPERATURE ON CONCRETE PROPERTIES 105 Effect of sintering temperature on mechanical properties of concrete 106 Compressive strength 106 Tensile strength and flexural strengths 108 Effect of sintering tenperature on physical properties of concrete 109 Permeability 109 Weight changes in concrete on heating and cooling and porosity 110 CHAPTER 8 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY 112 Materials 112 Cement 112 Fly ash 112 Bottom ash 112 Polymer Fiber 112 Marble dust 113 Lime 113 Chemical admixture 113 Laboratory works 113 Preparation and casting of test specimens 113 Preparation of mixtures and casting of test specimen for bottom ash (mixtur proprtion 1) 113 Preparation of mixtures and casting of test specimen for marble dust for sintering temperature (mixture proportion 2) 115 Preparation of Mixtures of fly ash and marble dust for testing (mixture proportion 3) 117 Test procedures 119 Flow Table test 119 Inverted slump test 120 Water absorption and porosity test 121 Compressive strength test 122 Flexral strength test 124 CHAPTER 9 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 125 Physical Properties 125 Fresh unit weigth and workability(inverted slump and flow table) 125 Workability from measuring inverted slump and flow table test 130 Harened unit weight 136 Water Absorption test 142 Mechanical test for cement paste composite 149 Compressive strength 149 Flexural Strength 158 Relation between compressive strength and flexural strength 158 CHAPTER 10 CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATIONS 160 Conclusions 160 Reccomendations 164 REFERENCES 165

'Abstract Concrete is a major building material which is used in construction throughout the world. It is extremely versatile and is used for all types of structures. Due to rapid growth in construction sector, the consumption of concrete is increasing every year. These results in excessive extraction of natural aggregates leaving the waste materials to the environment directly can cause an environmental problem. The reuse of waste material seems mandatory at this stage. Wastes can be used to produce new products or can be used as admixtures so that natural resources are used more efficiently and the environment is protected from waste deposits. In many countries focuses its attention to the call for a greener culture. Both engineers and the scientific community especially the construction industry who is a major contributor to the depletion of greenhouse gases and research programs develop. The engineering and construction community has now taken up the challenge for the use of "green and recycled by-products" in construction. Some of those by-products are the bottom ash, fly ash from thermal power plant and marble dust produced during construction of marble stone. The construction industry is now forced to reconsideration on the utilization of the industrial by-products as supplementary materials due to the continuous depletion of natural aggregates in construction. The aim of this study is to determine the physical and mechanical properties of waste materials as a construction material to determine the effects of marble dust, fly ash and bottom ash in both fresh and hardened state and minimize the environmental pollutions. For this purpose, various amounts of marble dust, bottom ash and fly ash were used to investigate the physical and mechanical characterization of cement paste composites. Another aim of this study is to produce environmental friendly composites for the construction sector. Fly ash, generated during the combustion of coal for energy production, is an industrial by-product which is recognized as an environmental pollutant. Because of the environmental problems presented by the fly ash, considerable research has been undertaken on the subject worldwide. Based on the experimental study hardened unit weight of the composite varies from 821 kg/m3 to 1485 kg/m3, the highest value for compressive strength was 7.4 MPa, and the highest value for flexural strength was 1.9 M Pa. The laboratory results showed that all the composites can satisfactorily be used for the manufacturing of the construction materials such as bricks, briquettes, tiles and sewage pipe. The optimum level for marble dust, bottom ash and fly ash were 60%, 70% and 30% respectively. Key words: admixture, bottom ash, cement paste, fly ash, lime, marble dust polypropylene fiber and sintering temperature Özet Beton yaygın olarak tüm dünyada kullanılan yapı malzemesidir. Bu yapı malzemesi kalıcı ve tüm yapılar için kullanımı uygundur. İnşaat sektörünün hızla büyümesi, betonun tüketimini her yıl arttırmaktadır. Beton üretimi için doğal malzeme kullanımı artığından çevre bundan olumsuz etkilenmektedir. Bu aşamada geri kazanılmış malzemelerin kullanımı daha uygun olacağı düşünülmektedir. Atıklar beton üretiminde çimento yerine kullanıldığından çevre tahribatı da bir miktar azalacaktır ve böylece sınırlı sayıda bulunan doğal kaynakların tüketimininde önüne geçilecektir. Bazı ülkeler atık ve geri kazanımlı alternatif malzemeler kullandığından yeşil beton sektörünü oluşturmuşlardır. Hem mühendisler hem de bilimsel otoriteler bu sektörün gelişmesi için öncü olmuşlardır. Yapılarda "yeşil betonu" ön planda tutarakatık malzemelerin kullanılması sağlanmalıdır. Bu malzemelere termik elektrik santrallarından elektrik için kullanılan kömürün yakılması ile elde edilen uçucu kül ve tabanaltı külü, mermer üretimi sırasında açığa çıkan mermer tozu örnek olarak verilebilir. Yapılan bilimsel çalışmalar doğal agrega kullanımı yerine çimento yerine bu atıkların kullanılması çevreye salınan karbondioksit miktarında azalmaya neden olacaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, atık malzemelerden uçucu kül, tabanaltı külü ve mermer tozu karışımı kullanılarak elde edilen kompozitlerin fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerini taze ve sertleşmiş durumda araştırmaktır. Diğer bir amaç ise inşaat sektöründe ekolojik ve çevre dostu bir yapı elde etmektir. Uçucu kül elektrik üretimi için yakılan kömürden elde edilen atık bir malzemedir ve bu malzemenin geri kazanılmaması çevreye tahribat yaratmaktadır. Dünya genelinde uçucu kül üzerine kapsamlı bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Laboratuvar sonuçlarına göre sertleşmiş birim ağırlık 821 kg/m3 ile 1485 kg/m3 aralığında, en yüksek basınç dayanımı 7.4 MPa, en yüksek eğilme dayanımı ise 1.9 MPa dır. Laboratuvar sonuçları hazırlanan kompozitlerin inşaat sektöründe tuğla, briket, kiremit ve büz yapı malzemesi olarak rahatlıkla kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir. Bu malzemeler için belirlenen optimum seviye sırasıyla 60%, 70 % ve 30 % dur. Anahtar Kelimeler: kimyasal katkı, tabanaltı külü, çimento hamuru, uçucu kül, kireç, mermer tozu, polipropilen fiber ve sinterleme sıcaklığı. '

Sinterleme sıcaklığı
Sintering temperature
Çimento hamuru
Cement paste