AU - Sharif,Fryad AU - Supervisor: Kıdak, Rana TI - Optimization of coagulatin and flocculation process for treatment of well water PY - 2013/// CY - Nicosia PB - Cyprus International University KW - Coagulation-flocculation process KW - Koagulasyon / Flokülasyon prosesi KW - TOC analyzer KW - TOK ölçüm cihazı N1 - Includes references (74-77 p.); 1; ÖZET; 1; INTRODUCTION; 1; Background of Study; 2; Objectives of Study; 2; Scope of Study; 4; LITERATURE REVIEW; 4; Introduction; 6; Coagulation Process; 8; Mineral or Inorganic Coagulant; 8; Aluminum Salts; 9; Iron Salts; 11; Organic Coagulants; 12; Coagulants Aids; 12; Activated Silica; 12; Sodium Aluminates; 13; Weightier Agents; 13; Poly electrolytes; 14; Chemical used to Raise Alkalinity; 15; Flocculation Process; 15; Microscale Flocculation; 15; Macroscale Flocculation; 16; Floc Formation; 16; Flocculants Chemical and Acids; 16; Alkaline Chemicals and Acids; 17; pH Adjustment; 18; Mixing Theory; 18; Rapid Mixing; 19; Types of Mixers; 19; Mechanical Mixers; 19; Static Mixers; 19; Baffled Chambers; 20; Pumps; 20; Improper Flocculation Mixing; 20; Mixing time; 21; Characteristics of Water; 21; Physical Characteristics; 21; Turbidity; 21; Colour; 22; Taste and Odour; 22; Temperature; 22; Specific Conductance or Conductivity; 23; Chemical Characteristics; 23; Total Solids and Suspended Solids; 23; pH and Corrosion; 24; Hardness of Water; 24; TOC; 24; Nitrogen; 25; NOM (Natural Organic Materials); 25; Factors Effecting on Coagulation Process; 25; pH; 25; Dosages; 26; Mixing Speed and Time; 27; Temperature; 27; Optimizing of Coagulation; 29; Jar Test Flocculator; 30; PDA 2000; 32; MATERIALS AND METHODS; 32; Materials; 32; Water Source; 33; Jar Test Flocculator; 33; PDA 2000; 35; Peristaltic Pumps; 36; TOC Analyzer; 37; pH Meter; 37; Turbidmeter; 38; Automatic Titrator; 39; Methods; 39; Chemical Used; 39; Chemical Preparation; 39; Preparation of Stock Solution of Coagulants and Coagulants Aid; 40; Preparation of Solution for Measuring Alkalinity; 41; Preparation of Solution for Measuring Hardness; 42; Experimental Procedures; 42; Alkalinity Measurement Procedure; 43; Hardness Measurements Procedure; 44; Jar Test Procedures; 46; PDA Procedure; 47; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION; 47; Raw water characteristics and Pre-Treatment; 47; Optimizationion of Well water using (FeSO4.7H2O); 47; Chosen Conventional Value of Operation Conditions; 47; Optimization of Dosage of (FeSO4.7H2O); 50; Optimization of (NaHCO3) as a Coagulant Aid; 52; Optimization of pH; 54; Optimization of Rapid and Slow Mixing Speed using PDA 2000 Technique; 54; Optimization of Rapid Mixing Speed; 55; Optimization of Slow Mixing Time; 56; Optimization of Rapid Mixing Time Using PDA 2000 Technique; 57; Optimization of Slow Mixing Time Using Jar Test Flocculator; 58; Optimization of Well Water Using Alum; 59; Optimization of Dosage of Alum; 62; Optimization of (NaHCO3) as a Coagulant Aid; 63; Optimization of pH; 65; Optimization of Rapid and Slow Mixing Speed using PDA 2000 Technique; 65; Optimization of Rapid Mixing Speed; 66; Optimization of Slow Mixing Speed; 66; Optimization of Rapid and Slow Mixing Time; 66; Optimization of Rapid Mixing Time using PDA 2000 Technique; 67; Optimization of Slow Mixing Time using Jar est flocculator; 68; Comparison Between our Results and Pervious Studies Results According to Turbidies Efficiencies; 70; Comparison Between Removal Effeiciencies of Both of (FeSO2.7H2O) and Alum on Removal Turbidity at Optimum Condition; 70; Comparison Between Removal Effeiciencies of Both of (FeSO2.7H2O) and Alum on Removal Turbidity at Optimum Condition; 71; Cost of Coagulants and Coagulants Aid; 72; CONCLUSION; 73; RECCOMENDATION; 74; REFERENCES N2 - 'Abstract Optimization of well water has done by coagulation and flocculation process using jar test flocculator and flow through optical measurement device known as photometric dispersion analyser (PDA 2000). Jar test flocculator has used to find the optimum dosages of coagulants, coagulant aids, pH and slow mixing time by analyzing residual turbidity, hardness, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Total Carbon (TC) and Inorganic Carbon (IC). PDA 2000 has used to study the mechanism of coagulation process through analyzing the growth of flocs and breakup. It is also used to determination the optimum conditions for the rapid and slow mixing speed and rapid mixing time by drawing time vs. Flocculation Index (FI), which the maximum value of FI is the optimum operation conditions. Two types of coagulants are used in this study, which is ferrous sulfate (FeSO4.7H2O) and aluminum sulfate (alum), and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) used as a coagulant aid to maintain correct alkalinity. For (FeSO4.7H2O) , it was found that the optimum dose and pH are (10 mg/L , 6) respectively and optimum conditions for rapid and slow mixing period are (300 rpm ,60 s, 25 rpm, 15 min) respectively. When alum has used, the optimum dose was 30 mg/L, optimum pH is 7.5 and the optimum conditions for rapid and slow mixing period are (250 rpm ,60 s, 30 rpm, 15 min) respectively. Removal efficiency for turbidity in both coagulants has examined, which is alum removed about 93.19% and (FeSO4.7H2O) removed about 88.82%. The effect of pH was also studied on removing, TOC, TC and IC through optimization, which is found that by decreasing pH removing of TOC, TC and IC increased. Finally, the cost of coagulants and (NaHCO3) has studied. Keywords: Coagulation-flocculation process, Jar test flocculator, PDA 2000,TOC analyzer Özet Kuyu suyunun iyileştirilmesi koagulasyon ve flokülasyon prosesi ile jar test flokülatörleri ve fotometrik dağılım ölçümü (PDA 2000) kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Jar test deneyleri sonucunda türbidite, sertlik, Toplam Karbon (TK), İnorganik Karbon (İK) ve Toplam Organik Karbon (TOK) parametrelerinin ölçümlerine dayanarak optimum koagulant dozu, koagulanta yardımcı madde etkisi, pH ve yavaş karıştırma hızı araştırılmıştır. PDA 2000 koagulasyon prosesinde oluşan flokların büyüme ve dağılma mekanizmalarının çalışılmasında kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca hızlı ve yavaş karıştırma hızı ile maksimum değeri optimum proses koşullarını temsil eden Flokülasyon İndeksi (Fİ) de PDA 2000 analizleri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada iki çeşit koagulant kullanılmıştır. Bunlar, Demir (II) sülfat ve aluminyum sulfat (alum)'dur. Ek olarak, proses boyunca sabit bir alkalinite değerinin sağlanabilmesi için sodyum bikarbonat koagulant yardımcısı olarak eklenmiştir. Demir (II) sülfat için optimum doz 10 mg/L ve optimum pH 6 olarak bulunmuş ve 300 rpm 60 saniye hızlı - 25 rpm 15 dakika yavaş karıştırma periyodu optimum karıştırma koşulları olarak gözlenmiştir. Alum için optimum doz ve pH 30 mg/L ile 7.5 olarak bulunurken, optimum karıştırma koşulları 250 rpm 60 saniye hızlı - 30 rpm 15 dakika yavaş karıştırma periyodu olarak belirlenmiştir. Alum kullanılarak numunelerde 93.19 % türbidite giderimi sağlanırken bu değer demir (II) sülfat koagulant olarak kullanıldığı koşullarda 88.82 % olarak tayin edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlara ek olarak, pH'ın TOK üzerindeki etkisi karşılaştırılmış ve düşük pH koşullarında daha fazla TOK, TK ve İK gideriminin sağlandığı gözlenmiştir. Son olarak, prosesin uygulanabilirliğinin maliyet yönünden araştırılması için kullanılan koagulantların ve sodyum bikarbonatın fiyat analizleri incelenmiştir. Keywords: Koagulasyon/Flokülasyon prosesi, Jar test flokülatörleri, PDA 2000, TOK ölçüm cihazı. ' ER -