Oyefolu, Samuel Oluwaseun 1987-

The effect of environmental pollution on the economy of Northern Cyprus Samuel Oluwaseun Oyefolu; Supervisor: Hasret Balcıoğlu - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2012 - XI, 97 p. tab. 30.5 cm

Includes references (83-88 p.) Includes appendix (89-97 p.)

CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Background Information 1 Aims and Objectives of the Study 2 Significance of the Study 2 Scope of the Study and Limitation 3 Research Hypothesis 3 Research Outline 4 CHAPTER TWO 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 Introduction 5 The Nature and Concept of Environment 5 Environment Pollution and Hıman Health 30 The Environment Pollution and Economy 36 CHAPTER THREE 42 BACKGROUND OF CASE STUDY (NORTH CYPRUS) 42 Introduction 42 Main Districts of North Cyprus 44 North Cyprus and the People 53 CHAPTER FOUR 55 METHODOLOGY AND DATA PRESENTATION ANALYSIS 55 Introduction 55 Methodology and Research Approach 55 Quantitative and Research Approach 59 Testing of Hypothesis 68 Qualitative Resuts and Research Findings 69 CHAPTER FIVE 75 SUMMARY,CONCLUSION,AND RECOMMENDATIONS 75 Introduction 75 Summary of Findings 75 Conclusion 76 Recommendations 79 Contributions of Study to Knowlegde 81 REFERENCES 83 APPENDIX 1 89 APPENDIX II 93

'Abstract Northern Cyprus, formally known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), belong to a state located in the northern part of the island of cyprus, but it is only turkey that recognized them as a country. Northern Cyprus still depend on Turkish government economically, due to the fact that her economy is struggling in the hand of embargo placed by Republic of Cyprus. İn 2007, there was a noticable economic growth due to the rapid increase in the construction, and education sector, yet, agriculture and turism contributes to most of their income, while industrialization has been slightly negetive ever since . In 2006 the population of north cyprus was estimated to be 265,644.With this kind of figure, it shows that it is a small in habitation compare to the developed worlds.With respect to her population figure, it was noted that the quality of air within the premises is decreasing, Goverment combating with littering problem, (waste management), and less fucos on d supply management. What are the factors leading to this decrease in the quality of air? What are the solutions government undertaking to solve the littering problem? What are the consequences of generating electricity from frossil fuel? Scientifically, burning fossil fuel actually produces carbon (11) oxide, which compiles up in the atmosphere causing sun's heat, and this also cause part of the green house effect in the atmosphere, bringing the accurrence of an increase of the global tempreture knwn as global warming. İn each country, the government have this issue of conservative budget, which still goes down to the streamof economic expenditure in the struggle of surviving. This study was design to investigate the effect in which the environmental pollution is placing upon the economy of northern Cyprus. This study analytically characterized the nature of different forms of environmental pollution present in northern cyprus. And it shows whether it affect the economy or not. A survay was made by collecting samples from the randomly selected 300 respondents, and then a structured quetionaire that reflect the demographic status of the respondents, which is usefull for socio-economic analysis of north cyprus in a part A, and the aim of the study, ie, whether there is a significant of everonmental pollution in north cyprus in part B was distributed. The analysis of the data gathered which includes the resting of hypothesis were caried out by using simple descriptive statistical tools (SPSS) and chi square method of analysis. The major finding of the study revealed that there is a significant level of environmental popullation in northern cyprus, and it has a negative effect on the economy. The following recommendations were suggested according to the study that, the government should apply or increase the price of polluting the environment, policy against pollution-intensive goods should be critically reformed, government should work towards making the environmental resourses,the economic growth,the cost and the benefit of environmental pollution to reach an equilibrium point, government should embrace industrial development pollution with all neccesary course which will later yeild innovation, they should be careful in making decisions towards environmental quality and economic growth (reducing emmısion matter) because it is delicated, government should be conservative in the use of natural resources,forming a functional,active, and efficient legislation that will manage solid waste and other littering problems properly, government should educate the civilian about a clean environment culture,and improve in recyclind programs. Key word: Environment, natural resources, Environmental pollution, Economics, sustainable Development, social benefit and sosial cost, Governmental policies, North Cyprus '

Environmental pollution
Çevre kirliliği
Governmental policies
Hükümet politikaları