AU - Nihinlola,Adewale John AU - Supervisor: Balcıoğlu, Hasret TI - Perception of employees towards performing performance evaluation system: Case study of National Horticultural Research Institude (NIHORT) Nigeria PY - 2013/// CY - Nicosia PB - Cyprus International University KW - Değerleme öznelliği KW - Appraisal subjectivity KW - Performans değerlendirme KW - Performance appraisal N1 - Includes CD; Includes references (67-71 p.); Includes curriculum Vitae (72-74 p.); 1; CHAPTER ONE; 1; INTRODUCTION; 1; INTRODUCTION TO PĞERFORMANCE APPRAISAL/EVALUATION SYSTEM; 6; RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND AIMS; 6; RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCES; 7; RESEARCH PROBLEMS; 8; RESEARCH LIMITATION AND SCOPE; 10; CHAPTER TWO; 10; LITERATURE REVIEW; 10; INTRODUCTION; 10; DEFINITION AND EXPLANATION OF PERFORMANCE; 12; PERFORMANC APPRAISAL USEFULNESS; 14; PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SCHEME; 15; Procedure for Performance Appraisal; 17; P*erformance Appraisal Approaches; 19; Effıcacy of Performance Appraisal Systems; 20; Duration for Conducting Performance Appraisal; 21; Conduction Employee Performance Appraisal; 22; Criteria for Performing Performance Appraisal; 25; Remedies to Performance Appraisal Setbacks; 27; CHAPTER THREE; 27; RESEARCH METHODOLOGY; 27; RESEARCH PLANS AND METHODS; 27; RESEARCH QUESTIONS; 27; RESEARCH METHODS; 28; Research Subjects; 28; Data Source; 29; Approach to Research Work; 29; Size of the Research Sample; 30; Selection of Sample; 30; Collection of Data Methods and Study Tool; 31; Processing of Data Methods and Analysis; 32; CHAPTER FOUR; 32; DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS; 32; Introduction; 32; Demographic Data; 33; Category of Respondents; 34; Age Distribution of Respondents (Employees); 35; Level of Eduction of Respondents; 36; Years Worked by Respodents in the Institution; 37; Are There Any Performance Expectations Set by the Institute During Planning Session at the Start of a Rating Period?; 40; Employee's View of Halo Error Committed By Raters; 42; Method Two Using Frequency /Percentage Table; 43; Employee's View of Horn Error Committed By Raters; 46; Employees' View of Recency Error Commited By Raters; 48; Employee's View of Strictness Error Committed By Raters; 50; Employee's View of Leniency Error Committed By Raters; 52; Employee's View of Similarity Error Committed by Raters; 53; Employee's Views of Performance Appraisal Importance to Their Career Goals; 54; Employee's View of Performance Appraisal Importance to Institute's Objective; 55; Employee's Level of Commitment to the Performance Appraisal System; 58; Employees'Level of Willingness to Submit to the Performance Appraisal System; 62; CHAPTER FIVE; 62; CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATION; 66; RESEARCH LIMITATION; 67; REFERENCES N2 - 'ABSTRACT Appraising performance is the act of observing and evaluating an employee\'s work behavior and accomplishments, with the purpose of measuring real performance against expected performance. An effort was made to discover out what employees of the institute feel about the whole process and practice of performance appraisal (Annual Performance Evaluation Report), the case of National Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT) Nigeria. This study also recommends practical approaches to improve any appraisal biases that may be present in the institution\'s appraisal system. Samples of 164 questionnaires were distributed based on Cochran's formula calculation, only 110 respondents questionnaires were returned (78 senior stuffs and 32 junior staffs), the criteria for distributing the questionnaire was based on random sampling techniques. The data collected was analyzed, using statistical product and service solution (SPSS), in order to address the research questions. The overall perception of the respondent shows negative result that the employees perceived towards the practice, indicated that the system was affected by subjectivity and influenced by major errors and bias regarding to the result of the research. The results have severe administrative suggestion for motivation, training and condition of resources for efficient performance appraisal. The significant limitations of this research work are due to financial constraint and the time available for the research, it was conducted in only one institute NIHORT, Therefore, the findings may not be referred to as an expression of the general state of affairs in the other research institutions in Nigeria. Keywords: NIHORT, Performance Appraisal, Appraisal Subjectivity, Performance Evaluation ' ER -