Aguta, Ugonna I. 1982-

The impact of human resource management on organizational performance: Case study of private banks in TRNC Ugonna I. Aguta; Supervisor: Hasret Balcıoğlu - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2013 - XXIII, 82 p. tab., fig. 30.5 cm CD

Includes CD

Includes references (75-78 p.)

CHAPTER 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 1 Human Resource (HR) and Human Resource Managament (HRM) 8 Strategic Human Resource Management 10 Job Satisfaction 11 Organizational Commitment 12 Motivation 14 Training and Development 14 Recruitment and Selection 17 Compensation 19 Performance Evaluation 21 Promotional Practices 22 Chapter 3 24 Research Methodology 24 Research Questions 24 Access to Participants 25 Study Area 25 Population 26 Sample Size 27 Data Collection Method 27 Questionnaire 27 Mode of Questionnaire Developments 28 Structure of The Questionnaire 28 Measurements of Organizational(Banks' Performance) 28 Measurements of HR practices 29 Translation 29 CHAPTER 4 30 Data Presentation and Analysis of General Information 30 Presentation of General Information 30 Marital status 30 Marital Status 31 Gender Distribution of Employees 32 Sex 32 Sex 32 Designation of Employee 33 Designation 33 Designation 34 Number of Years employee has served in the Bank 35 Number of Years 35 Number of Years Put in 36 Age Distribution of Respondents 37 Age Group 37 Age of Respondents 37 Educational Qualification of Respondents 38 Educational Level 38 Qualificational of Repondents 39 Repondents of Perceptional of Work Condition 41 Description Statistics for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable(x)Number of Years Put in and (y) My Work Conditions are Good 41 Model Summary for Regression to Determine Signifıcant Correlation Between Variable (x) Number of Years Put in and (y) My work Conditions are Good 41 Coefficient Summary to Determine the Significant Correlation Between Variable(x)Number of Years Put in and (y) My Work Conditions are Good 42 Graph 1 Dependent Varibale: Number of Years Put in 42 The Recruitment and Selection Processes in the Organizational are Impartial 43 Descriptive statistics for regression to determine significant correlation between variable (x) Number of Years Put in and (y) The Recruitment and Selection Processes in this Organization are Impartial 43 Model Summary for Regression to Determine significant correlation Between Variable (x) Number of Years Put in and (y) The Recruitment and Selection Processes in this Organization are Impartial 43 Coefficient Summary to Determine the Significant Corelation Between Variable (x) Number of Years Put in and (y) The Recruitment and Selection Processes In This Organization are Impartial 44 Graph 2 Dependent Variable: Number of Years Put in 44 All Appointment in this Organization are Based on Merit 45 Descriptive Statistics for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Number of Years Put in and (y) All Appointment In This Organization are Based On Merit 45 Dependent Varibale: Number of Years Put in 46 The Organization has Provided Me with Training Opportunities Enabling Me to Extend My Range of Skill and Abilities 47 Descriptive Statistics for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Varibale (x) Number of Years Put in and (y) This Organization has Provided Me with Traning Opportunities Enabling Me to Extend My Range of Skills and Abilities 47 Model Summary for Regression to Determines Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Number of Years Put in and (y) This Organization has Provided Me with Traning Opportunities Enabling Me to Extend My Range of Skills and Abilities 47 Coefficient for Regression to Determines Signicant Correlation Between(x) Number of Years Put in and (y) This Organization has Provided me with Traning Opportunities Enabling Me to Extend My Range of Skills and Abilities 48 Graph 4 Depandent Varibale: Number of Years Put in 49 This Oragnization is Committed to Training and Development of its Employees 49 Descripive Statistics for Regression to Determines Significant Correlation Between Variable (x)Age of Respondent and (y) This Organization is Commited to the traning and Development of its Employees 49 Model Summary for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Age of Respondent and (y) This Organization is Committed to Tranning and Development of its Employees 50 Coefficient for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x)Age of Respondent and (y) This organization is Committed to the Training and Development of its Employees 50 Graph 5 Dependent Variable : Age of Respondents 51 My Salary/Wage is Fair Considering what Other People are Paid 52 Descriptive Statistics for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Varibale(x) Age of Respondent and (y) My Salary/Wage is Fair Considering what Other People are Paid 52 Model Summary for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Age of Respondent and (y) My Salay /Wage is Fair Considering what Other People are Paid 52 Coefficient for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Age of Respondent and (y) My Salary /Wage is Fair Considering what other People are Paid 53 Graph 6 Dependent Variable : Age of Repondent 54 The Amount of Support and Guidance I Recieve from My Supervisor is Worthwhile 54 Descriptive Statistics for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Varibale (x) Age of Respondents and (y) The Amount of Support and Guidance I Receive From My Supervisor is Worth while 54 Model Summary for Regression to Determines Significant Correlation Between Variable(x) Age of Respondents and (y) The Amount of Support and Guidance I Receive From My Supervisor is Worth While 55 Dependent Variable: Age of Respondent 55 The Amount of Independent Thought and Action I can Exercise on My Job is Fair 57 Descriptive Statisstics for Regression to Determines Significant Correlation Between Variable (x )Age of Respondent and (y) The Amount of Independent Thought and Action I can Exercise on My Job is Fair 57 Coefficients for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable(x) Age of Repondent and (y) The Amount of Independent Thought and Action I can Exercise on My Job is Fair 58 Dependent Varibale: Age of Respondents 58 The Overall Quality of Supervision I Receive in My Work is Fair 59 Descriptive Statistics for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Varible (x) Age of Respondents and (y) The Overall Quality of Supervision I Receive in My work is Fair 59 Model Summary for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Age of Respondent and (y) The Overall Quality of Supervision I Receive in My Work is Fair 59 Coefficients for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Age of Respondent and (y) The Overall Quality of Supervision I Receive in My Work is Fair 60 Graph 9 Dependent Variable: Age of Respondents 61 I am Willing to Put in a Great Deal of Effort Beyond that Normally Expected in order to Help the Organization be Successful 61 Descriptive Statistics for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Qualification of Respondents and (y) I am willing to put in a Great Deal of Effort Beyond that Normally Expected in Order to Help the Organization be Successful 61 Model Summary for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable(x) Qualification of Respondent and (y) I am Willing to Put in a Great Deal of Effort Beyond that Normally Expected in Order to Help the Organization be Successful 62 Coefficients for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Qualification of Respondent and (y) I am Willing to Put in a Great Deal of Effort Beyond that Normally Expected in Order to Help the Organization be Successful 62 The coefficient for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Qualification of Respondent and (y) I am willing to Put in a Great Deal of Effort Beyond that Normally Expected in Order to Help the Organization be Successful 62 The coefficient for Regression to Determine Signifıcant Correlation Between Variable (x) Qualification of Respondent and (y) I am Willing to Put in a Great Deal of Effort Beyond that Normally Expected in Order to Help the Organization be Successful 62 Graph 10 Dependent Variable: Qualification of Respondent 63 Feel Very Little Loyalty to this Organization 63 Descriptive Statistics for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable(x) Qualification of Respondent and (y) I feel very Little Loyalty to this Organization 63 Model Summary for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Qualification of Respondent and (y) I feel Very Little Loyalty to this Organization 64 Coefficients for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Qualification of Respondent and (y) I Feel Very Little Loyalty to this Organization 64 Dependent Variable: Qualification of Respondents 65 I would Accept Almost any Type of Job Assignment in Order to Keep Working for this Organization 65 Descriptive Statistics for Regression to Determines Significant Correlation Between Variable(x) Qualification of Respondent and (y) I would accept almost any type of Job Assignment in Order to Kep Working for this Organization 65 Model Summary for Regression to Determine Significance Correlation between Variable (x) Qualification of Respondent and (y) I would Accept Almost any Type of Job Assignment in Order to Keep Working 66 Coefficient for Regression to Determine Significantly Correlation Between Variable(x) Qualification of Respondent and (y) I Would Accept Almost any Type of Job Assignment in the Order to Keep Working for this Organization 66 Graph 12 Dependent Variable: Qualification of Respondents 67 I Find My Values and Organization's Value is Similar 67 Descriptive Statistics for Regression to Determine Signıcant Correlation Between Variable (x) Qualification of Respondents and (y) I Find that My Values and Organization's Value are Similar 67 Model Summary for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable (x) Qualification of Respondents (y) I Find that Values and Organization's Value are Similar 68 Dependent Variable: Qualification of Respondents 69 There's not too much to be gained by sticking with this organization indefinitely 69 Description Statistics for Regression to Determines Significant Correlation Between Variable (x)Qualification of Respondents and (y) There is not too much to be Gained By Sticking With this Organization Indefinitely 69 Model Summary for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation Between Variable(x) Qualification of Respondents and (y) There is not too much to be Gained By Striking with this Organization Indefinitely 70 Coefficients for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation between Variable(x) Qualification of Respondents and (y) there is not too much to be gained By Sticking with this Organization Indefinitely 70 Graph 14 Dependent Variable: Qualification of Respondents 71 CHAPTER 5 72 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 72 Limitation and Future Research 75 REFERENCES 76

'ABSTRACT In recent years, the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus has rapidly developed in to a multicultural economy with the entry of foreign ideas and different ways of doing things, in respect to the advancement in the internet and the technologies that come with it. As many organizations globally are faced with the challenge of performance, managers are under the pressure to address the increasing completion in the global market. It is against this bases that this study will attempt to examine the impact of Human Resource Management practices and its outcomes on organizational performance in private sector banks in TRNC. For the purpose of this research, data were collected from employees to know their perceptions about Human Resource Management practices and their outcomes through structured questionnaire. The sample size of the respondents was consisted of 335 employees of different departments and various branches of two private sector banks in TRNC. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) was used for various analysis of this research. Human Resource Management practices were discovered to be a significant predictor of job satisfaction, employee commitment and retention. One of the strongest determinants of employee satisfaction was attributed to compensation and social benefits, while employee commitment is closely related to compensation and benefits, recruitment & selection and training and development. Compensation and social benefits, performance appraisal, and training and development were positively related to employee retention. In a nutshell, the findings of the study have proven that when an organization adopt good HRM practices, it outcomes will lead to a better organizational performance. Key Words: Human Resource Management Practices, Organizational Performance, Organizational Commitment, TRNC Private Banks '

TRNC Private banks
KKTC Özel bankalar
Organizational commitment
Örgütsel bağlılık