Egberanmwen,Edosomwan 1979-

Racial and gender discrimination in the workplace of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Evidence from the three arms of government, administrative districts and managerial levels in banks Edosomwan Egberanmwen; Supervisor: Hasret Balcıoğlu - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2009 - XI, 100 p. figure, color chart, table 30.5 cm

Includes references (95-100 p.)

CHAPTER 1 1 INTODUCTION 1 Background Information 1 Aims and Objectives of Study 4 Hypotheses 5 Scope of Study 5 Structure of Thesis 5 7 LITERATURE REVIEW 7 CHAPTER 3 16 EXPLANATIONS AND THEORIES ADVANCED BY SCHOLARS AND PSYCHOLOGISTS FOR DESCRIMINATORY BE 16 Social Dominance Theory 16 Functional Theory 16 Observational Learning Theory 18 Mass Media 18 Social Identity Theory 19 Inborn 20 Psychodynamic Theory 20 Inborn 20 Psychodunamic Theory 20 Evolutionary Theory 22 Myth 23 Attitude 23 Conflict Theory 24 Authoritarian Prsonality 25 Scientific Racism Theory 26 Discrimination and the Law 28 Lawsuits Emanating from Discrimination on Employee by Employers 46 CHAPTER 4 61 RESEARCH METHDOLOGY 61 Data Collection 61 Form of Discrimination 61 Type of Discrimination 62 Discriminatory Practices 65 Impact of Discrmination on Productivity and Society 68 Extent of Discrimination 69 Arguments Against the Practices of Discrimination 72 Ways Put in Place to Remedy Discrimination 78 CHAPTER 5 78 OVERVIEW OF TURKISH REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN CYPRUS (TRNC) 78 Demographics 82 Economy 83 Geography and Climate 83 Physical Features 84 Government 84 Religion 84 CHAPTER 6 86 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS OF THE OBSERVATION 86 CHAPTER 7 94 CONCLUSIONS 94 Action Recommendations 94 REFERENCES 95

'Abstract Discimination is the bane of optimum productivity in every business organisation in our society today, this is so because people are not recruited or employed on the basis of merit or qualification for job but on other erroneos factor such as race, tribe, religion, ethnicity amongnst others given people with lesser qualifications and sometimes no qualifications at all for the job to get the opportunity to be employed resultıng in underproduction or the production of fake or substandard product or produce while those that are qualified are left in the dark. Job discrimination could be seen and heard in all aspects of the starting with recruitment, selection and placement and even on the job itself. This research observe the rate of gender and racial disrimination in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), the study took a look at members of the executive arm of government , legislative arm of government, judiciary arm of goverment, the administrative district as well as bank in the island in order to knw the extent of gender discremination in the work place of TRNC. It also interviewed foreignersnespecially Nigerians and pakistanis in the island that had one time or the other worked during their stay with a view to ascertaining the level of racial discrimination in TRNC. In other to know the extent of gender discrimination, the study took the ratio of of males and female members ın these different levels of government in TRNC. The research found out that that there was indeed gender and racial discrimination in the work place of TRNC. Keyword: Discrimination, bane optimum productıvıty, merıt or Qualification, race , tribe, Religion, Ethnicity, Underproduction, Recruitment, Selection, Placement, Business Organisation, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). '

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