Mutlu, Aysel 1984-

The relationship between the use of language learning strategies and learners' background, gender and success in their classrooms Aysel Mutlu; Supervisor: Mehmet Ali Yavuz - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2011 - XIII, 124 p. table 30.5 cm

Includes appendices (118-123 p.) Includes references (106-117 p.)

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Introduction 1 Background to the Study 1 Purpose of the Study 4 Significance of the Study 5 Assumptions of the Study 5 Limitations of the Study 6 Organization of the Study 6 Summary of the Chapter 7 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction 8 The Good Language Learners Theory 8 Definition of Langugae Learning Strategies 14 Characteristics of Language Learning Strategies 20 Taxonomy of Language Learning Strategies 22 Rubin's Taxonomy 22 O' Malley and Chamot's Taxonomy 23 Oxford's Taxonomy 26 Memory Strategies 27 Cognitive Strategies 27 Compensation Strategies 28 Metacognitve Strategies 28 Affective Strategies 29 Social Strategies 29 Factor Affecting Strategy Choice 32 Summary of the Chapter 44 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY Introduction 46 Research Design 46 Participants 47 Instrument 48 Data Collective Procedure 52 Data Analysis 53 Summary of the Chapter 53 CHAPTER FOUR FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Introductıon 55 Frequency and Percentages of the Idependent variables 55 Findings and Discussions of the Research Questions 58 Research Question 1 Is there a relatıonshıp between the student's use of language learning strategies and their gender? 59 Research Question 2 Is there a relationship between the student's use of Languages learning strategies and their eductional backgrounds ? 63 Research Question 3 Is there a relationship between the student's use of Languages learning strategies and their profieciency level ? 70 Research Question 5 Is there a relationship between the student's use of Languages learning strategies and the region they came from? 75 Research Question 2 Is there a relationship between the student's use of Languages learning strategies and their type of composite scores they got from the SSE? 87 Summary of the Chapter 96 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION Introduction 97 Conclusion 97 The Comparispn of the Study with the Recent Studies 99 Suggestions for Further Research 105 Summary of the Chapter 105 REFERENCES 106 APPENDICES 118

Language learning strategies
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