AU - Mustafa,Newar Yaseen AU - Supervisor: Mohammadzadeh, Behbood TI - An investigation into the vocabulary teaching techniques used by Iraqi teachers of English in line with book 11th, Sunrise series PY - 2014/// CY - Nicosia PB - Cyprus International University KW - Dil eğitimi KW - English grammar KW - İngilizce dili öğretimi KW - English language teaching N1 - Includes appendix (71-80 p.); Includes bibliography (63-70 p.); 1; CHAPTER ONE; 1; Introduction; 2; Statement of the Problem; 2; Aims of the Aims of the Research; 3; Research Questions; 3; The Hypotheses; 3; The Scope of the Study; 3; The Procedure; 4; Significance of the Study; 4; Organization of the Thesis; 6; CHAPTER TWO; 6; LITERATURE REVIEW; 6; Preliminary; 6; Vocabulary: Definition; 6; Types of Vocalbualry; 7; Receptive and Productive Vocabulary; 7; Active and Passive Vocalbulary; 8; Oral and Written Vocalbualary; 8; Speaking,Reading and Writting Vocalbulary; 8; Content and Function Vocalbulary; 9; Vocalbulary Learning and Teaching; 9; Introduction; 9; The Role of Vocabulary Knowlegde in Foreign Language Learning; 12; The Status of Vocabulary in the Methods and Approaches of Teaching Foreign Languages; 16; Aspects of Vocalbulary Knowlegde; 17; Form: Pronunciation and Spelling; 17; Meaning: Denotation; 18; Grammer; 18; Collocation; 18; Connotation; 18; Appropriateness; 18; Strategies and Techniques of Vocalbulary Teaching; 20; Teacher-Centered Strategies; 20; Strategy of Presentation and Consolidation; 21; Presentation of New Words; 22; Review and Consolidation of New Words; 22; Deliberate Vocabulary Teaching; 23; Using Demostration or Pictures(Optimizing Impact); 23; Developing Fluency with Vocalbualry; 24; Constructing Definitions of Words; 24; Conducting Languages-Focused Instruction; 25; Translating Items into Learner's Native Languages; 25; Using Synoyms and Antonyms; 25; Using Mnemonics; 25; The Keyword Method; 26; Pictuers and Visualization(Visual Mnemonics); 26; Grouping; 26; Elaborating; 27; The Narrative Chain; 27; Semantic Mapping; 27; Introducing the Word Parts; 29; Learner-Centered Strategies; 29; Incidental Learning of Vocalbualry; 30; Strategy of Learning Vocabulary from Meaning -focused Input; 30; Strategy of Learning Vocalbulary from Meaning-Focused Output; 30; (Including Both Written and Spoken Form, Both Receptive and Productive); 31; Using Vocalbulary Notebooks; 32; Inferences from Context (Guessing from Context); 33; Using Bilingual Dictionaries; 34; Review and Spaced Practice; 34; Making Associations; 34; Analyzing Associations; 35; Points to be Considered in Teaching and Learning Vocalbulary; 36; Previous Studies and Related Studies; 41; Methodology; 41; CHAPTER THREE; 41; Methodology; 41; The Procedure and Data Collection; 41; The Population and the Sample of the Research; 42; The Research Instrument; 42; Validity of the Questionnaire; 42; Reliability of the Questionnaire; 43; Validity of the Questionnaire; 42; Reliability of the Questionniare; 42; Statistical Means; 43; Weighted mean Formula; 44; T-Test; 44; Analysis of Book 11, Sunrise Series; 44; Aims of Sunrise 11; 45; The Material in Sunrise 11; 45; Components of Sunrise 11; 45; Student's Book; 46; Activity Book; 47; Teacher's Book; 47; The CD; 47; Lnaguage Focus in Sunrise 11; 47; Role Plays in Sunrise 11; 48; The Literary Reader in Sunrise 11; 48; Reference Section in Sunrise 11; 49; Grammer in Sunrise 11; 50; Vocalbulary in Sunrise 11; 50; Reading in Sunrise 11; 50; Phonetics in Sunrise 11; 51; CHAPTER FOUR; 51; Data Analysis and Discussion of Results; 51; Criterion 1: (The Main Aim of the Study); 54; Criterion 2:(Hypothesis no. 1 and Hypothesis no. 2); 56; Discussion; 58; CHAPTER FIVE; 58; Conclusion, Recommendation, Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions for Further Research; 58; General Conclusions; 58; Research Conclusions; 59; Recommendations; 61; Pedagogical Implications; 62; Suggestions for Further Research; 63; BIBLIOGRAPHY N2 - 'ABSTRACT Irrespective of the social, cultural, and pragmatic competences that learning a foreign language requires, the development of learners' communicative and linguistic competences is quite demanding. Foreign language learners development of the last two types of competences akes textbook designers look for the effective means to implicate certain activities in the textbook in their attempt to develop learners' linguistic skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Such a procedure is adopted by textbook designers to develop such skills through the tackling of the activities subsumed in the textbook, and on teachers of foreign language. Also in terms of the techniques, styles and strategies they will adopt to bring about a set of objectives, i.e. learners effective learning of the new language. The present research aims at investigating the techniques and strategies used by teachers of English at 11th grade (preparatory level), in particular, in the Duhok Governorate, Iraq, in their teaching of book 11 of Sunrise series. It further aims at highlighting the differences between the teachers in question in the use of such techniques according to the years they have spent in service, i.e., teaching English, and place of graduation. To bring about these aims, the research hypothesizes the following: 1. There are no differences between teachers of the long period in service, i.e. in teaching English and their counterparts of short periods in terms of the techniques they use in teaching the activities in book 11, Sunrise series. 2. There are no dıfferences between teachers, graduates of the colleges of educatıon and theır counterparts graduates of the Colleges of Arts ın terms of the technıques they use ın teachıng the Actıvıtıes ın Book 11, Sunrıse Serıes. To verıfy the precedıng hypothesıs a questıonnaıre, whose ıtems have been drawn from prevıous studıes and relevant lıterature, has been desıgned. The questıonnaıre has been fırst presented to a panel of jurıes to prove ıts valıdıty. It was then admınısterd ın a pılot study to prove ıts relıabılıty and later ın a maın study to a sample of (50) teachers of Book 11of Sunrıse Serıes at the preparatory level, Duhok Iraq.the results show that (a) Teacher of Englısh Sunrıse Serıes, Book 11 for 11th Grade, preparatory level uses almost all the technıques and strategıes for teachıng vocabulary though to varyıng degrees, (b) There are no dıfferences between teachers of Englısh Sunrıse Serıes, Book 11 for 11th Grade, preparatory level ın terms of years ın servıce, ı.e. a short or a long perıod ın servıce, (c) There are no dıfferences between teachers of Englısh Sunrıse Serıes, Book 11 of 11th Grade, preparatory level as far as theır places of graduatıon, ı.e. Colleges of Arts or Colleges of educatıon, are concrened, and (d) out of the (24) technıques and strategıes for teachıng vocabulary, presented to the sample of teachers, only 2 technıques namely "I draw pıctures" and "ı use cards wıth new words wrıtten on them" are rarely used. These 2 technıques are the only ones whıch requıre some physıcal and manual work on the part of teachers compared to other teacher-centered technıques whıch are done verbally (by syaıng thıngs) or non-verbally (by poıntıng to thıngs or demonstratıng), except the technıque of wrıtıng the meanıng of the words to be learned on the board. ' ER -