A research on the satisfaction status and the expectation levels of the beneficiaries of the services provided by E-Human resources consulting companies in Turkey
Adnan Burak Dönmez; Supervisor: Nüket Saracel
- Nicosia Cyprus International University 2013
- VIII, 89 p. table 30.5 cm CD
Includes CD
Includes references (78-86 p.)
INTRODUCTION 1 SERVICES OFFERED IN ELECTRONIC FORM 3 IN GENERAL 3 ACCORDING TO THE TYPES OF SERVICES 3 E-GOVERNEMENT 3 Definition of E-Government Portal 4 E-Government Portal Services 4 Amenities Provided by E-Government Portal 5 E-Commerce 6 Definition of E-Commerce 6 Causes of E-Commerce 7 Types of E-Commerce 8 B2B 'Business to Business' 9 B2C 'Customer to Customer' 10 C2C 'Customer to Consumer' 11 E-Commerce between Citizen and Governements and Institutions 11 E-Commerce between Enterprises and Governement Organizations and Institutions 11 THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL MEDIA 11 The Definition and Features of Social Media 11 Social Media Components 16 Blogs 16 TWITTER 18 Wikkis 20 ELECTRONIC LEARNING (E-LEARNING) 21 Definition of Electronic Learning 21 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND E-HUMAN RESOURCES 26 THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS 26 Human Resources 26 Human Resources Management 26 Development of Human Resources Management 34 ELECTRONIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 37 The Concept and Scope of Human Management Objectives 37 Electronic Human Resources Management Objectives 38 Electronics Human Resources Stages 39 Information Sharing 39 Creating Database 39 Basic Human Resources Operations 40 Complex Human Resources Operations 40 Network-Based Human Resource Management Benefits 40 SERVICES OF ELECTRONIC HUMAN RESOURCES 43 ELECTRONIC HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES 44 Electronics Human Resource Planning 44 Electronis Recruitment 44 Electronics Performance Evaluation 44 E-HUMAN RESOURCES AND THEIR OFFER OF SERVICES 46 Popular Human Resource Websites in Turkey and World 48 Human Reosurce Websites in Turkey 48 Kariyer.net 48 Yenibiris.com 49 Secretcv.com 50 Tekadre.com 50 Koc Career (Koç Kariye) 51 A RESEARCH ON THE SATISFACTION STATUS AND THE EXPECTATION LEVELS OF THE BENEFICIARIES OF THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY E-HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTING COMPANIES IN TURKEY 52 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH 52 LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH 52 RESEARCH METHODOGY 52 Overview of the Research 52 The Survey Sample of the Research 52 Research Data Collection 53 Evaluation of the Research Data 53 Research Questions 54 Personal Infromation of the Study's Participants 55 Evaluation of Research Findings 59 CONCLUSION 73 REFERENCES 78 THESIS SURVEY 87
'Abstract The internet technology which has started to live in its golden age in 21 st century has led to important improvements in business environments as well as its contributions to humanity in many areas. 'E-Human Resources' which is applied on internet appears to be one of the most common practices in this area. In this context, on one hand, job applications, opportunities of appropriate facilities for personal development and interviews became possible to be applied through internet and on the other hand a new line of business is engendered as a result. E-Human Resources Consulting Service forms this new line of business. In Turkey as well as in some other countries, the number of companies offering this kind services and the variety of the services offered are rapidly increasing. In this study, the satisfaction staus and the expectation levels of the beneficiaries of the services provided by E-Human Resources Consulting Companies were being examined. Keywords: E-Human Resource, E-Human Resource Websites, E-Recruitment. Özet 21. yüzyılda altın çağını yaşamaya başlayan internet teknolojisi pek çok alanda insanlığa sağladığı katkıların yanısıra iş hayatında da önemli yeniliklere yol açmıştır. Bu konudaki en yaygın uygulamalardan birinin internet üzerinden yürütülmeye başlanan "E-İnsan Kaynakları" olduğu görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bir taraftan internet üzerinden iş başvurularının yapılması, bireylere kişisel gelişime uygun imkanların sağlanması ve mülakatların internet üzerine taşınması mümkün hale gelir iken, diğer taraftan da yeni bir iş alanı doğmuş bulunmaktadır. E-İnsan Kaynakları Danışmanlık Hizmeti, bu yeni iş alanını oluşturmaktadır. Diğer bazı ülkelerde olduğu gibi, Türkiye'de de bu tür hizmeti veren şirket sayısı ve sunduğu hizmet sayısı hızla artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de E-İnsan Kaynakları Danışmanlık Şirketlerinin sunduğu hizmetlerden yararlananların memnuniyet durumu ve beklenti düzeyleri incelenmeye çalınmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: E-İnsan Kaynakları, E-İnsan Kaynakları Siteleri, E- İşe alım.'
E-İşe alım E-Recruitment E-İnsan kaynakları siteleri E-Human resource websites