AU - Hacıküçük,Onay AU - Supervisor: Ergin, Esin TI - In service training and the perceptions of the Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus office of deeds and cadastre employees on in service training PY - 2014/// CY - Nicosia PB - Cyprus International University KW - Hizmet içi eğitim KW - In-service training KW - Tapu ve kadastro ofis çalışanları KW - Deeds office and cadastre office employees N1 - Includes references (91-96 p.); 1; INTRODUCTION; 3; CHAPTER 1- IN SERVICE TRANING; 3; EDUCATION GENERAL; 4; TYPES OF EDUCATION; 4; Formal Education; 5; Systematic Education; 5; Non-Formal (Extended) Education; 6; Informal Education; 6; Academic Education; 6; Family Education; 6; Workplace Training; 7; Apprentice Training; 7; Appreticeship and Vocational School; 7; In Service Training; 8; TRAINING IN GENERAL; 9; THE IMPORTANCE AND BENEFITS OF TRAINING IN BUSINESSES; 9; Benefits in Terms of The Employees; 10; Benefits in Terms of The Firm; 10; Keeping up with the Rapid Advances in Technology; 10; Orienting New Employee to the Workplace; 11; To Sustain the Same Level of Performance; 11; Preparing Human Resource for New Jobs; 11; TRAINING PROGRAMS DESIGNED ACCORDING TO EMPLOYEE QUALIFICATIONS; 12; Technical Personnel Training; 12; Administrative Personnel Training; 12; Management Personnel Training; 13; IN SERVICE TRAINING IN BUSINESS FIRMS; 14; Definition and Purpose of In service Training; 14; Definition of In Service Traning; 16; Goals of In Seervice Traning; 18; Benefits of In Service Traning; 19; Individual Benefits; 20; Institutional Benefits; 20; Determining the Priorities of In Service Training; 20; Sub-Level Priorities; 21; Mid-Level Priorities; 21; Top-Level Priorities; 21; Analysis Approach Based on Affective Factors; 21; In Service Training; 22; Determine Needs of In Service Training; 23; Differences Approach; 23; Democratic Approach; 23; Analytical Approach; 23; Descriptive Approach; 23; Inspection of Records and Reports; 24; Arranging Group Meetings; 24; Interviewing; 25; Survey Approach; 25; Observation; 25; Test Application; 25; Determining In-Service Training Policy and Objectives; 26; Princible of In Service Training; 26; Continuity; 26; Comprehensiveness; 26; Willingness; 27; Participation; 27; Qualifications; 27; Encouraging Environment; 27; Types of In Service Training; 28; In Service Training By Application Runtime; 28; In Service Training On-The-Job; 29; In Service Training Outside of Work; 29; In Service Traning By Application Site; 29; In Service Training Within the Institution; 29; In Service Traning Outside of the Institution; 30; Orientation Training; 30; Basic Training; 30; Development Training; 30; Completion Trainng; 31; Promotion Training; 31; Special Field Training; 31; Replacement Training; 31; Features and Boundaries of In Service Training; 33; Reasons which make In Service Training a Requirement; 34; In Service Training Enhancies the Efficiency and Quality in the Workplace; 36; CHAPTER 2- THE OPERATİONS OF THE TRNC OFFICE OF DEEDS AND CADASTRE; 36; HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CADASTRE; 38; THE DEFINITION AND OBJECTIVES OF CADASTRE; 42; Type of Cadastre; 43; Financial Cadastre; 43; Legal Cadastre; 43; Mult-Purpose Cadastre; 44; Future of Cadastre; 44; THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF THE OFFICE OF DEEDS AND CADASTRE; 4; Deeds; 44; Cadastre; 44; Ownership; 45; Land; 45; Plot; 45; Building; 45; Immovable(real estate); 46; THE ORGANIZATION OF THE TRNC OFFICE OF DEEDS AND CADASTRE; 46; Management Service; 46; Manager; 46; Assistant Manager; 47; Record and Tenner Branch Supervisor; 47; Branch Supervisor; 47; Administrative Service; 47; Deeds Official; 48; Cadastre Official; 48; Map Official; 48; Deeds and Cadastre Services; 49; Deeds Officer; 49; First Degree Deeds Officer; 49; Second Degree Deeds Officer; 49; Third Degree Deeds Officer; 50; Cadastre Officer; 50; First Degree Casdastre Officer; 50; Second Degree Cadastre Officer; 51; Third Degree Cadastre Officer; 51; Map Officer; 51; First Degree Map Officer; 52; Second Degree Map Officer; 52; Third Degree Map Officer; 52; Photolithographic Officer; 52; First Degree Photolithographic Officer; 53; Second Degree Photolithographic Officer; 53; Third Degree Photolithographic Officer; 53; Assistant Technician Services Class; 53; First Lvel Assistant; 54; Second Level Assistant; 54; Financial Services Department; 54; Clerical Services; 55; REQUIREMENT OF IN SERVICE TRAINING IN THE TRNC OFFICE OF DEEDS AND CADASTRE; 55; The Attitude of the TRNC Office of Deeds and Cadastre Employees Forward In Service Training; 55; The In Servce Training Given in the TRNC Office of Deeds and Cadastre Until Today; 56; CHAPTER 3- A RESEARCH ON THE PERCEPTİONS OF THE DEED and CADASTRE OFFICE EMPLOYEE ON IN SERVICE TRAINING; 56; PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH; 56; IMPORTANCE OF THE RESEARCH; 56; LIMITS OF THE RESEARCH; 57; METHODOLOGY; 57; Research Model; 58; Population of the Research; 58; The Sample Size; 58; The Collection of Research Data; 58; Scale of Research; 59; PROBLEM STATEMENT; 59; HYPOTHESES; 60; DATA OBTAINED USING FACE TO FACE INTERVIEW METHOD AND THE STANDARDIZED SURVEY; 63; FINDINGS AND COMMENTS ON THE RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS; 63; The Findings and comments regarding the first hypothesis of the research, ''By Various Demographic Variable There are Significant Differences on Opinions of the Necessity of In Service Training of Employees in TRNC Deed and Cadsatre Office''.; 69; The Findings and Comments regarding the third hypothesis of the research; ''By Various Demographic Variables There are Significant Differences on Opinions on the Effectiveness of In Service Training to the TRNC Deed and Cadastre Office employees''; 75; The Findings and comments regarding the third hypothesis of the research,'By Various Demographic Variables There are Significant Differences on Opinions on the Effectiveness of In service Training to the TRNC Deed and Cadastre Office employees''; 80; The Findings and comments regarding the Fourth hypothesis of the research ''By Various Demographic Variables There are Significant Differences on Opinions on the Probems Encountered by the TRNC Deed and Cadastre Office employees on In Service Training''; 85; RESEARCH RESULTS; 89; CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS; 91; REFERANCES; 97; APPENDICES N2 - 'ABSTRACT This survey was carried out to measure the in service training perception of the TRNC Deed Office and Cadastre Office employees. From the Deeds Office and Cadastre Head Office, and Nicosia, Famagusta, Kyrenia and Morphou Registry Districts. This survey was conducted amongst the 195 people working in the four Registry districts. The results were analyzed using SPSS software. The results of the analysis showed that 'the necessity of in service training' there seemed to be a significant difference in favor of the employees with a lycee or secondary school diploma. As a result, it was seen that, because of the level of education, the employees with a lycee or a secondary school diploma attribute more importance to the necessity of in service training than the ones with higher degrees. Furthermore, according to the analysis of other demographic characteristics, despite the significant differences amongst some of them, the results are not significant. Key Words: Deeds Office and Cadastre Office employees, in-service training. ÖZET Bu araştırma, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Tapu ve Kadastro Dairesi çalışanlarının hizmet içi eğitim algılarını ölçemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda hazırlanan anket formu Tapu ve Kadastro Daıresı Müdürlük, Lefkoşa, Gazimağusa, Girne ve güzelyurt Kaza Tapu Dairesi çalışanlarının oluşturduğu 195 çalışana uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda elde edilen verıbler bilgisayar ortamında SPSS istatistik paket programı yardımıyla analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, eğitim düzeyine göre "hizmet içi eğitim gerekliliğine ilişkin görüşler" sorulduğunda, lise ve alt düzey çalışanlar lehine anlamlı fark olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu da bize lise ve altı düzey eğitim almış olan çalışanların kendilerini yetersiz gördüklerinden hizmet içi eğitim gerekliliğine önem verirlerken, ön lisans ve üzeri eğitim almış olan çalışanların kendilerini yeterli gördüklerinden hizmet içi eğitim gerekliliğine daha az önem verdıklerini ortaya çıkarmıştır Bunun yanında yapılan diğer demografik özelliklerin analizleri sonucunda bazı sorularda anlamlı fark ortaya çıksa da genellikle aradaki farklar önemsiz olduğundan boyut toplamlarında anlamlı fark ortaya çıkmadığı görülmüştür. Anahtar Sözcükler: Tapu ve Kadastro çalışanları, hizmet içi eğitim. ' ER -