Ekwue C., Ositadinma 1984-

Use of chickpea and iron (III) chloride in coagulation and flocculation of raw water from Gönyeli Dam Ositadinma Ekwue C.; Supervisor: Nur Paşaoğulları Aydınlık - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2014 - IX, 75 p. table, figure, color picture, chart 30.5 cm CD

Includes CD

Includes references (66-75 p.)

CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Overview of Gönyeli Dam 1 Background and Scope of the Problem 3 Objective of Study 4 Scope of Study 4 CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 Introduction 6 Coagulation Process 11 Mechanisms of Coagulation 11 Colloidal Stability in Water Solution 12 Mechanisms of Coagulation 11 Colloidal Stability in Water Solution 12 Classification of Colloids 13 Coagulants 13 Types of Chemicals 13 Materials of Soil Origin 13 Coagulants of Plant Origin 15 Other Natural Coagulants 17 Coagulants Aids and Polyelectrolytes 18 Chemicals Used to Rinse Alkalinity 20 Flocculation 20 Science of Flocculation 20 Floc Formation 21 Alkaline Chemicals and Acids 22 Factors Affecting Coagulation and Flocculation Process 22 Raw Water Quality 22 Turbidity 22 Colour 23 pH/Alkalinity 24 Temperature 24 Kinetics of Coagulation and Flocculation Processes 24 Particle Size and Distribution Analysis 26 Particle Size and Distribution Application in Water Treatment 26 Process Performance Considerations 26 Method of Mixing 26 Jar Testing 27 How a Typical Jar Test is Conducted 28 MATERIALS AND METHODS 29 Materials 29 Water Source 30 Jar Test Flocculator 31 Mixer /Mill 32 Labatory Incubator 33 Laboratory Incubator 33 Turbidimeter 35 Centrifuge 36 Magnetic Stirrer 37 pH Meter 38 Conductometer 39 Laboratory Weighing Scale 40 Filter Paper 40 Laboratory Weighing Scale 40 Single Channel Pipette 40 Petri Dish 41 Chickpea 41 Autoclave 42 Methods 43 Preparation of Stock Solution for Natural Coagulant 43 Preparation of Stock Solution for Iron (III) Ch 44 Jar Test Operation 45 Analytical Methods 45 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 47 Raw Water Characteristics 47 Optimization of Properties of Natural Surface Water Using Chickpea 47 Optimization of pH for the Natural Surface Water Using Chickpea 47 Optimization of Rapid/Slow Mixing Time for Chickpea Coagulants 48 Optimization of Dosage by Using Chickpea As a Coagulant 49 Floc Performance Analysis 54 Reduction of Faecal Coliforms in Raw Water Using Chickpea Coagulant 55 Optimization Properties of Natural Surface Water Using Iron(III) Chloride 56 Optimization of pH for the Natural Surface Water Using Iron(III) Chloride 56 Optimization of Rapid/Slow Mixing Time for Chickpea Coaguant 56 Optimization of Dosage using Iron(III) Chloride Coagulant 57 Floc Performance Analysis 62 Reduction of Faecal Coliforms in Raw Water Using Iron (III) Chloride 63 CHAPTER FIVE 64 CONCLUSION 64 RECCOMMENDATIONS 65 REFRENCES 66

'ABSTRACT Gönyeli dam water is a natural surface water which gets its full source from the Mediterranean Sea. As a natural surface water, its source is clean but will require treatment for turbidity removal and disinfection in order to meet existing and future water treatment regulations to meet different human uses. In this research, a treatment process consisting of coagulation, flocculation, and direct filtration was investigated. The use of a legume seed known as Chickpea (cicer arietinum) and also known locally in North Cyprus as Nohut. Chickpea as a natural coagulant and Iron (III) chloride (FeCl3) an inorganic coagulant was used and compared to find out which performs better in the treatment of natural surface waters. The effects of Chickpea (cicer arietinum) and Iron (III) chloride (FeCl3), doses on turbidity removal were evaluated in order to determine the optimum combinations required to achieve the treatment objectives. A second part of this research involved a study on the effects of the coagulants in the reduction of bacteriological contaminants (faecal coliforms) present in natural surface waters. For this study, coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation tests were conducted in the laboratory using a standard Jar Test method. The performance of coagulation and flocculation process was assessed by measuring the supernatant turbidity for different dose of Chickpea (cicer arietinum) and Iron(III) chloride (FeCl3), and it was found that the natural coagulant Chickpea (cicer arietinum) offered better advantages over Iron(III) chloride in the overall treatment process. Although Iron (III) chloride was much more effective in the reduction of turbidity, but Chickpea performed better in the removal of faecal coliforms from natural surface waters than Iron (III) chloride when tested on natural surface waters with low turbidity. Key words: Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, Turbidity, Chickpea (cicer arietinum), Iron (III) Chloride (FeCl3), Surface waters, Faecal coliforms. ÖZET Gönyeli Barajı tüm kaynağını Akdeniz'den alan doğal kaynak suyudur. Doğal yüzey suyu olarak kaynağı temizdir fakat şu andaki mevcut su arıtma yönetmeliklerine uygunluğunu karşılamak amacı ile türbidite giderimi ve dezenfeksiyonunun yapılması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, koagülasyon, flokülasyon ve direk filtreleme teknikleri kullanılımıştır. Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta nohut (cicer arietinum) olarak bilinen baklagil tohumu koagulant kullanılmıştır. Nohut (cicer arietinum) doğal koagulant ve Demir (III) Klorür inorganik koagulant olarak kullanılarak doğal yüzey sularının türbidite gideriminde hangisinin en iyi performans gösterdiği karşılaştırılmıştır. Demir (III) Klorür ve Nohut (cicer arietinum) koagulant dozunun türbidite giderimi üzerindeki etkileri ve en uygun iyileştirme hedefi kombinasyonları belirlenmiştir. Bu araştırmanın ikinci bölümü doğal yüzey sularında bulunan bakteriyolojik kirleticilerin (fekal koliform) azaltılmasında koagulantların etkileri üzerine bir çalışma içeriyor. Bu çalışmada, koagülasyon, flokülasyon ve sedimentasyon deneyleri laboratuvarda standart Jar Test yöntemi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Supernatant türbidite farklı Nohut (cicer arietinum) ve Demir (III) Klorür koagulant dozları ayarlanarak, koagülasyon ve flokülasyon performansı kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Genel olarak doğal koagulator olan Nohut (cicer arietinum)'un Demir (III) Klorür'e göre daha iyi avantajları olduğu saptanmıştır. Türbidite gideriminin Demir (III) Klorür'le daha etkili olmasına rağmen daha az bulanık olan doğal yüzey sularındaki fekal kolform gideriminde Nohut (cicer arietinum)'un Demir (III) Klorür'e göre daha etkili olduğu saptanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Koagülasyon, Flokülasyon, Sedimantasyon, Türbidite, Nohut (cicer arietinum), Demir (III) Klorür (FeCl3), Yüzey Suları, Fekal Koliform.'

Surface waters
Yüzey suları