AU - Özdenek, Ahmet AU - Supervisor: Adalıer, Ahmet TI - Delivery of the organizational and public services integrated in the electronic environment: TRNC - e - Government studies in accordance with the European Union standarts PY - 2007/// CY - Nicosia PB - Cyprus International University KW - TRNC -- e-Government KW - KKTC - e-Devlet KW - Europea Union and Candidate States KW - Avrupa Birliği ve Aday Devletler N1 - Includes references(54-55 p.); 1; INTRODUCTION; 4; Chapter 1; 4; Delivery of the Organizational & Public Service Integrated in the Electronics Environment; 5; Electronics Service Delivery(ESD); 7; Chapter II; 7; Adaptation Studies of the European Union Member and Candidate States; 7; Adaptation Studies of the European Union Member and Candidate States; 12; Information Society; 15; e-Government; 18; e Europe; 36; Chapter III; 36; eEurope Applications of European Union Member and Candidate States; 36; Germany; 38; South Cyprus; 40; Chapter IV; 40; TRNC - e-Government; 40; Vision; 41; Objectives & Benefits; 42; Current State; 51; Future works; 52; CONCLUSION; 54; References N2 - 'Abstract The project aims to realize a study regarding the TRNC - e-Government studies in accordance with the European Union Standards that aim to establish an information society of all European Union States and fully benefit from its information economy. Parallel to this overall objective, it aims to underline the methodologies in the delivery of the organizational and public services integrated in the electronic environment. In this study, TRNC - e-Government (KKTC-KamuNet) is compared with other applied eEurope applications of the European Union Member and Candidate States, and the current situation of the TRNC - e-Government is exposed. Özet Bu projenin amacı Avrupa Birliği standartlarına uyun çalışmaları doğrultusunda yapılmakta olan KKTC - e-Devlet (KKTC-KamuNet) çalışmalarına yönelik bir calışma gerçekleştirmektir. Bu genel amaca paralel olarak proje; kurumsal ve kamusal hizmetlerin bütünleşik olarak electronik ortamda sunulmasına ilişkin yöntemleri belirtmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada KKTC-KamuNet ile Avrupa Birliği Üye ve Aday ülkelerinde uygulanan eAvrupa uygulamalarını karşılaştırmayı, ve KKTC-KamuNet\'in şu anki durumu ortaya konulmuştur. ' ER -