Performance of power sector policies and reforms in Brazil, India and Nigeria A comparative study
Zubairu Gatugel Usman; Supervisor: Neyre Tekbıyık Ersoy
- Nicosia Cyprus International University 2015
- XIII, 99 p. color picture, color table 30.5 cm CD
Includes CD
Includes references (92-99 p.)
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1 CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1 General İnformation about Nigeria 1 Objectives of this thesis 2 Motivation 3 Contribution of this thesis 3 Thesis organization 5 CHAPTER 2 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 Brazilan power sector 7 Indian Power sector 9 Nigerian power sector 12 CHAPTER 3 16 COMPARISON METHODS 16 Data collection 16 Decision criteria 16 CHAPTER 4 20 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 20 INTRODUCTION 20 Brazil 21 India 22 Nigeria 23 POWER SECTOR CHALLENGE AND REFORMS Brazil 28 India 30 Nigeria 31 HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION 43 Brazil 43 India 45 Nigeria 50 WIND POWER GENERATION 53 Brazil 53 India 53 SOLAR POWER GENERATION 57 Brazil 58 India 59 Nigeria 62 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS CAPACITIES AND LOSSES 62 Brazil 62 India 63 Nigeria 65 ENERGY SUSTAINABILITY INDEX 66 Brazil 67 India 68 Nigeria 69 PERFORMNACE ANALYSIS 69 Energy sources 70 Power sector challenges 71 Thermal power generation 72 Hydroelectric power generation 74 Wind power generation 74 Solar power generation 75 Cumulative power generation and generation mix 75 Transmission capacity and Transmission and Distribution losses 77 Energy sustainability index 78 Energy efficiency policies and laws 79 Electricity consumption per capita 81 CHAPTER 5 83 RECOMMENDATIONS 83 Recent Energy Issues Issues 83 Energy efficiency 86 Expliotation of renewable energy sources 86 Regional integration 87 Energy subsidies 88 Electric cooperation societies 89 Mega thermal policy 89 Research and Development 89 Transmission and distribution(T&D) losses 90 Proper Planning of generation and transmission capacities 90 Effective monitoring 91 CONCLUSION 91 REFERENCES 92
'ABSTRACT Nigerians have been experiencing acute power shortages within the last three decades despite the country's vast energy resources which include both fossil fuels and renewable energy sources. Numerous policies and reforms have been adopted and implemented by the government in order to address the power sector challenges, but with minimum effects. This comes at a time when countries like Brazil and India with huge populations and challenges like Nigeria have recorded significant development in their power sectors. The two countries have tropical weather and similar resource diversity with Nigeria which they harnessed effectively to develop an advanced power sector. Most of Brazil's achievement is recorded in the renewable energy sector through its alternative energy incentives program known as Programa de Incentivo as Fontes Alternativas de Energia Electrica. India's achievement, on the other hand, is recorded in the fossil fuel generation sector due to the availability of coal and the government's incentive programs such as the Mega Power Policy. Although Nigeria commenced a comprehensive reform of its power sector, it still experiences considerable challenges due to lack of proper policy framework. This thesis provides a comparative analysis on the policies and reforms implemented in Brazil, India and Nigeria. The main focus was to analyze the critical aspects of the corresponding power sector's development and provide recommendations on how to improve Nigeria's power sector performance. The recommendations provided were based on multiple criteria such as; the resources of the countries, the potentials, evaluation of policies that positively impacted the development of power sectors of Brazil and India, and, the current energy issues in Nigeria. Key words: Policies, Reforms, Brazil, India, Nigeria. '