Dinçer, Erhan

Instructors' use of cultural topics in English Language classes Erhan Dinçer; Supervisor: Özge Razı - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2015 - VIII, 57 p. table 30.5 cm CD

Includes CD

Includes appendix (52-57 p.) Includes references (47-51 p.)

CHAPTER 1: Introductıon 9 Background of the study 9 Purpose of the Study 12 Research Question 12 Sub Questions 12 Significance of the Study 12 Limitations of the Study 12 Overview of the Thesis 13 CHAPTER II: Literature Review 14 Definition of Language 14 English as a global language 15 Teaching Culture in Language Education 16 The role of Teacher in Culture Learning 18 Previous Empirical Studies 18 CHAPTER III: Methodology 25 Introduction to Methodology 25 Setting 25 Research Design 26 Quatitative Methodology 26 Data Collection Instruments 26 Developments of the Questionnaire 27 The advantages of questionnaires 28 The Culture Questionnaire 29 Data Collection Procedure 29 Data Anlysis 32 Chapter IV :Findings and Discussion 34 Participant's Background 34 Gender's Role on Target Culture 36 Nationality Role on Target Culture 37 Department of Graduation 41 Educational Background 41 Teachers' Experience 43 Experinece in Foreign Country 44 CHAPTER FIVE : Conclusions and Rcommendations 45 Conclusion 45 Recommendations for Further Research 46 Limitations 47 Appendix A 52

'ABSTRACT This thesis analyzes the use of culture in foreign language classes by the instructors working at two private universities one in TRNC which has students from all over the world and it can also be considered as a multilingual and multicultural university of TRNC and one in Turkey. Both of the universities have students from all over the world. The purpose of the study is to determine whether a proficient degree of attention is paid to culture teaching in the language classes of the School of Foreign Languages in two private universities which are located in Cyprus and Turkey whether the instructors do their best to maintain or improve their cultural knowledge so as to integrate it in their lessons as well as how they teach culture in their lessons. The data were collected with a questionnaire distributed to the instructors. The questionnaire consists of three parts. In the first part, demographics and questions regarding some possible intercultural experiences of the subjects are sought. The second part contains personal preferences in relation to the teaching and learning of culture. Finally, the last part aims at gathering data on teachers's beliefs on the elements of culture in which learners would be interested and how they would like to be taught these elements. Key Words: Target culture, EFL. '

Target culture
Hedef kültür
English Foreign Language
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