
Relationship between online service quality and customer satisfaction in banking sector Tingting Zhang; Supervisor: Ebru Güneren - Nicosia Cyprus International University, 2005 - VII, 51 p. 30.5 cm

Includes references. (52-54 p.)

Introduction 1 E-Commerce 1 Role of E-commerce and Activities 2 Customer Satisfaction in E-Commerce 4 Service Quality in E-commerce 5 Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality 5 Measuring Online Service Quality 6 Problem Discussion 7 Demarcations 10 Customer Satisfaction 12 Definition of Customer Satisfaction 12 Satisfaction Formation 13 Determinant of Customer Satisfaction 15 Updated DeLone &McLean IS Success Model for End User Satisfaction 15 Model for Expectation-Disconfirmation Effects on Web -Customer Satisfaction(EDEWS) 18 Service Quality 21 Service Quality and Satisfaction 22 Models Showing the Link between Service Quality Measurement and Satisfaction 23 Definition of Service Quality 25 Traditional Service Quality Dimensions 25 Online Service Quality Dimensions 25 Service Quality Model of Internet Banking 38 Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction 40 Online Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction 40 Conceptual Framework 41 Conclusions 44 References 46

'Main purpose of the study is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in Internet banking. Based on how service quality dimensions affect customer satisfaction in Internet banking and how the relative importance of the service quality dimensions, which can be described in Internet banking in relation with the customer satisfaction. This study identified several different classifications from different authors for service quality dimensions. Obviously all these classification have their own approaches in order to establish service operation process by which a high level of overall service quality can be acquired. The study also emphasizes on various criteria such as efficiency, reliability, responsiveness, fulfillment and privacy with the objective of achieving service quality and customer satisfaction. ÖZET Bu çalışmanın temel amacı internet bankacılığı alanında hizmet kalitesi ve müşteri tatmini ilişkisinin daha iyi anlaşılabilmesini sağlamaktır.Bu amaçla,hizmet kalitesi boyutlarının ,müşteri tatminini üzerindeki etkilerini ele alan çalışmalar derlenmiştir.Çalışmada hizmet kalitesini farklı sınıflandırmalarla ele alan pek çok çalışma olduğu belirlenmiştir.Tüm bu çalışmalarda ortaya konan sınıflandırmaların her biri hizmet süreçlerinde yüksek kalitenin sağlanması açısından kendilerine özgü yaklaşımlara sahiptirler.Hizmet kalitesinin ve müşteri tatmininin sağlanması açısından bu çalışmanın önlemle üzerinde durduğu kriterler şunlardır:verimlilik ,güvenilirlik,heveslilik,gerçekleştirme ve mahremiyet.'

Internet banking
İnternet bankacılığı
Service quality
Hizmet kalitesi