Terzi, Ertan

National security strategy of Turkey in the 21th century Ertan Terzi - Nicosia Cyprus International University 2004 - 46 p. 30.5 cm

Includes references(46 p.)

Introduction 1 Background Information 1 Aims and Objectives 3 Structure of the Manuscript 4 Foundations of Research 5 New Order of World at the Beginning of the Beginning of 21st Century Center of Power and Local Organiztions ın the Fırst Quater of of 21st Century 5 Centers of Power and Local Organizations in the First Quarter of 21st Century 8 The Future of Nato and its Missions in 21st Century 11 The present Geopolitical Position of the Area Turkey In. 13 The Geopolitics and Geostrategic Importance of the Turkey 16 Increasing Role of Turkey in the Area 22 The Effects of New Century's Power Centers and Local Organizations on Turkey 23 Findings and Evaluation 26 The Duties of Nato In 21st Century and its Effects on Turkey 26 The Effects of New Geopolitical Atmosphere On Turkey 28 Political Sub-Structure of Turkey 31 Interpretation of Turkey's National Interests 32 The Turkish Foreign Policy In New World Formation 33 Conclusions 38 References 46

'Abstract This project that aims to shed light to produce effective and healthy policies is to identify the policy and strategies that should be applied in order to ensure that Turkey will have the status it deserves by evaluating the power balances that have been formed in a parallel way to the events that have occurred on the word in the 21th century, has come to the decision that Turkey, which has experienced many difficulties because of its geopolitical and geostrategic location and which has a ecostrategic opportunity today, is not an actor of insignificant roles that have been prepared beforehand but a country which is generating strategies, taking up a position in preparation of the scenarios with a leading role. '

Ulusal Güvenlik
National security