Alberts, Bruce

Molecular Biology of THE CELL / Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff ...[et alia] - Sixth Edition - 1342 pages: photos; 27.5 cm.

23 copies Includes index

Includes references(page 1342)

INTRODUCTION TO CELL 1 Cells and Genomes 1 Cell Chemistry and Biogenetics 42 Proteins 109 BASIC GENETIC MECHANISMS 175 DNA Replication Repair and Recombination 237 How Cell Reads the Genomes from DNA to Proteins 299 Control of Gene Expression 369 Analyzing Cells Molecules and Systems 439 Visualizing Cells 529 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF THE CELLS 565 Membrane Structure 565 Membrane Transport of Small Molecules and the Electrical Properties of the membrane 597 Intracellular Compartments and Protein sorting 641 Intracellular Membrane Traffic 695 Energy Conversion :Mitochondria and Chloroplasts 753 Cell Signaling 813 The Cytoskeleton 889 The Cell Cycle 963 Cell Death 1021 Cell Junctions and the Extracellular Matrix 1035 CELLS IN THEIR SOCIAL CONTEXT 1035 Cancer 1091 Development of Multicellular Organism 1145 Stem cell and Tissue Renewal 1217 Pathogens and Infection 1263 The Innate and Adaptive Immune System 1297 Glossary G.1 Index I.1 Tables: The genetic code Amino Acids T.1

9780815344643 £50,00

Molecular biology

572.8 / A43 2008